Moodle Virtual Learning Environment
Moodle Virtual Learning Environment
Our virtual learning environment (VLE) is built on Moodle. It provides courses where learning materials and activities can be accessed. Most taught courses have a Moodle course which either students are automatically enrolled onto, or they can self-enrol onto. Moodle courses contain activities such as quizzes, communication tools, resources such as audio and video files, lecture slides, links to recordings of lectures and reading lists.
Who is Moodle for?
Both staff and students have access to Moodle.
Go to and log in using your UEL network username and password. Your password is the same network password that you use to log into your PC/Mac with. Learn how to change your password.
All Moodle users have an editable profile where you can upload a photo and add additional details about yourself.
Access your profile by clicking on your name in Moodle. (Your name is usually visible in the top right-hand corner).
Click on your initials on the top of the right hand of the page, and click 'profile'.
- Edit the fields you wish to change.
- 2. Include a picture by dragging it into the field, and you can list your interests as tags, which will link to other staff and students who have chosen the same tag.
- Click 'Update profile' at the bottom of the page.
We offer our students 24/7 access to our eBooks software called Kortext for free on your tablet or smartphone.
The Kortext Bookshelf can also be accessed on UEL Moodle course pages.
What is Moodle?
Moodle is the online learning platform used at University of East London. The majority of taught courses have a Moodle course which either students are automatically enrolled onto or they can self enrol onto. Moodle courses contain activities such as quizzes, communication tools, resources such as audio and video files, lecture slides, links to recordings of lectures and reading lists. You may be asked to submit your work electronically to Moodle and your teachers may provide feedback and provisional marks to you via Moodle.
How do I log into Moodle?
Go to and log in using your UEL network username and password. Your username is "u" followed by your student number e.g. u1234567 found on your student ID card. Your password is the network password provided to you when you enrolled (unless this was changed afterwards).
I don't know my Moodle password...
Your Moodle password is the same as your UEL network password (i.e. what you use to log into UEL public computers). If you have forgotten your password, you can request a password reset through Moodle.
How do I change my Moodle password?
Your Moodle password is the same as your UEL network password (i.e. what you use to log into UEL public computers).
How do I access my profile in Moodle and change settings?
All Moodle users (students and staff) have an editable profile where you can upload a photo and add additional details about yourself.
- Access your profile by clicking on your initials in Moodle. (Your name is usually visible in the top right-hand corner of the page) and click on 'Profile'.
- Edit the fields you wish to change. Include a picture by dragging it into the field, and you can list your interests as tags, which will link to other staff and students who have chosen the same tag.
- Click 'Update profile' at the bottom of the page.
How do I register my courses?
You must register all your courses on UEL Direct. Once your courses have been registered on UEL Direct then in the majority of cases you will be automatically enrolled onto them on Moodle. If you are registered for your courses and they do not appear on your list of courses on Moodle – please contact your module leader in the first instance. You may be directed to The Hub.
How do I enrol on a Moodle course?
For most of your courses you will be automatically enrolled and won’t need to do this yourself. For more information on registering your courses see 'How do I register my courses?' above.
How do I un-enrol from a Moodle course?
- Log into Moodle, go to the Dashboard to view your courses.
- Click on the course name of the course you want un-enrol from - Note you can only un-enrol from self enrolment courses
- Click the gear icon to the right of the course name.
- Confirm that you want to un-enrol from the course by clicking Continue.
- Note: you cannot un-enrol onto courses that you have been automatically enrolled on.
How do I submit an assignment on Moodle?
Moodle assignments are shown on the course homepage. Some departments put each assignment within its corresponding Moodle course e.g. ED4000, HR7240 etc. Some departments use a specific Moodle course for collecting all assignments across a programme or the department. The assignment submission page will show the assignment deadline and further details. The exact steps for submitting an assignment depend on the settings chosen by your lecturer.
For file submissions, either drag and drop your file(s) into the File submissions field, or browse for the file to upload by clicking on Add… in the left top corner. Finally, click Save changes to confirm. For text only submissions, click Add submission and type into the Online text box. Save changes. You may edit your submission until the due date. You may be able to read, edit and resubmit your assignment type depending on the settings your lecturer has chosen. If your lecturer is providing feedback and grades through Moodle you be able to see this by clicking on the assignment once it has been marked.
How do I view grades on Moodle?
You can view your grades by going into your profile in the top right hand corner and selecting 'Grades'.
How should I behave in a forum?
Forums are useful places for receiving information, discussing topics with peers and for asking questions relating to your course. As with any form of communication whether they are written, spoken or otherwise, it is important that you show respect to those you are conversing with. Moodle forum posts will not be made available outside the institution however please ensure you keep your comments on topic and avoid making personal remarks.
Why am I not receiving forum notifications?
If a forum has been set up with optional subscription then you have to sign up to it to receive posts.
In a forum with optional or auto subscription you can choose which discussions to subscribe to by clicking the 'dot' icon to the right of the discussion. An envelope tells you are already subscribed.
When you reply to a post you will see a tickbox 'Discussion subscription'. It will already be ticked if you have chosen in your forum preferences to be subscribed to discussions you post in by default. If you have chosen not to subscribe to forum discussions by default, then you can tick this box to be notified of posts from this particular thread.
How do I change my forum notifications?
Click on your username in the top right hand corner and select Preferences, then Forum preferences. You can then select how you are subscribed to forums and how you receive the forum posts on email.
How do I view recorded UEL lectures?
You will be able to view your lectures through Microsoft Stream. Some recordings will include the PowerPoint presentation and include the video of the lecturer.
Please note:
It is up to individual lecturers to opt in to have their lectures recorded, so there isn't complete coverage of all UEL lectures.
Lectures that are recorded will be made available through Moodle. If you know that your lectures are being recorded but cannot find any links to the recordings please contact your lecturer in the first instance.
The easiest way to access these recordings is by following a link from your Moodle course.
How do I register my modules?
You can register your modules via My Record on UEL Direct. You can also contact The Hub on +44 (0) 20 8223 4444 or via MyPortal.