Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)
Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)
What we do
The Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching is responsible for the support and development of academic staff. We lead on projects including the University of East London’s Advance HE recognition scheme, New to Teaching programmes, Teaching and Learning Framework, Inclusive Curriculum Framework, Peer Development scheme, Learning Technology support for academics, and the AR-VR project with EON Reality.
Advice and Consultations
CELT supports academics in learning and teaching practice, providing advice and guidance for issues including assessment and feedback and inclusive curriculum. We work with academics across the University to help them maximise their impact as educators, build on current pedagogical trends, and to share their expertise and examples with other colleagues.
We consult with Schools and courses in quality committees, curriculum development and bring a teaching and learning perspective to a wide range of university groups and projects.

Teaching and Learning Framework
CELT has worked with academic staff and students to establish a baseline standard for learning, teaching and assessment known as the TEAL framework. This framework brings together pedagogical theories, performance indicators and developmental needs into a practical plan that academics can use to grow as educators, and gain recognition for their expertise.
Support for New Academic Staff
CELT provides new members of academic staff at UEL an academic induction to familiarise them with the support and training available, important policies relevant to academics, and expected standards. For academic staff new to teaching, CELT offer a bespoke 12 week course to support the transition to HE lecturing.
This course presents a dynamic blend of theory and practice, aimed at equipping educators with a well-rounded understanding of active, inclusive, and student-centred teaching methodologies.
Celebrating Teaching
The UEL Teaching Fellowship Scheme is a CELT initiative to recognise, reward and celebrate excellence in learning and teaching at the University. It is a chance to share effective, innovative practices within the institution and across the sector. At the same time, it is viewed as a preparation for colleagues who wish to submit bids for national teaching award schemes - namely the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) and Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE).
Conferences and Events
Every year CELT organises the UEL Learning and Teaching Symposium. The event is an opportunity to share best practices and innovative approaches to teaching and learning, and gathers hundreds of academics from across the country. In addition, CELT runs seminars and workshops throughout the year. These events include external speakers, training and development.
Recognising excellence in learning and teaching
CELT runs a programme for Recognising Learning and Teaching Practice (RLTP). This leads academic and non-academic staff to gain AdvanceHE Fellowships. AdvanceHE Fellowships are a widely recognised professional accreditation, acknowledging commitment to teaching, learning and the student experience. It demonstrates how the practices of all staff are aligned to the Professional Standards Framework for Higher Education.
Centre for AR / VR Technology
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are key to UEL’s 2028 strategy to equip students for the future workplace. CELT have therefore partnered with industry leaders EON Reality to create the Extended Reality Centre. This Centre explores the potential of AR and VR, from supporting classroom-based training to replicating labs and technical equipment in the student’s home via a smartphone app.
Publications and Resources
CELT develops a wide range of resources to support academics. This includes the CELT TV YouTube channel, toolkits for teaching and learning, quick guides and online courses. Additionally, CELT collaborates with the School of Childhood and Social Care in the publication of the academic journal Patterns of Practice: An International Journal of Teaching and Learning Scholarship.
This peer-reviewed open-access international journal offers an exploratory, rigorous, and creative space for informed debate, practice, and discussion on all aspects of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in higher education.
Connect with us
Who we are
- General enquiries: To get in touch with anyone in the team, email us via Learning Teaching Advice, email: lta@uel.ac.uk.
- Head of the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching: Sima Heer
- Academic Developers: Dr Gabriella Buttarazzi, Jacqueline Goulbourne, Dr Melisa Rinaldi, Dr Angela Murphy-Thomas
- CELT Administrator: Fouzia Sakouti
- Learning Technology Advisers: Kevin Pike and Jonathan Tulloch
- Centre for AR and VR Project Manager: Jamie Meecham
Where we are
CELT Offices
University of East London
Docklands Campus
CELT Training Suite
University of East London
Docklands Campus
WB 2.02
Docklands Campus
University of East London
4-6 University Way
E16 2RD
Stratford Campus
University of East London