Business Psychology Lab
For Students
Need a place to put all your learning to practice and start your successful career?
The Business Psychology Lab is exclusively available to UEL MSc Occupational and Business Psychology students and offers them a unique opportunity to put everything they learn on the course to practice by consulting organisations with the support of an experienced academic supervisor. Every project lasts for up to 12 weeks and is offered on an extracurricular basis, which means that participation is optional, and you can also adjust it to fit your schedule. Not only will it give you a chance to gain the significant competitive advantage of professional experience and boost your CV, but it will also help you do essential networking, while contributing to the community.
Apply your theoretical knowledge to practice and join us on an insightful learning journey with every project
Get the support you need in your practice from our helpful supervisors
Enhance your CV with work experience and get a competitive advantage in the labour market
Start your successful career today with UEL Business Psychology Lab
Understand your business challenges through our scientifically applied methods
Evidence based
Find evidence-based solutions for your business with proven effectiveness
Business services
Get the professional and fast consultancy service that you need
For Businesses
Need professional solutions to organisational challenges that really work?
Could your business benefit from free support to help you with an organisational development issue?
Maybe you want to re-design your recruitment processes, or improve motivation and productivity within your team (while probably working remotely)? Or you are looking for ways to enhance the quality of your products/services to boost your sales? Having always played an important role in the community, the University of East London is offering help to local businesses in the unprecedented crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and only now is offering three businesses a free 12-week consultancy project to help address your challenge. A team of three of our talented students, supported by an experienced academic staff member, will deliver each project, applying scientific research methods to screen your organisation and suggesting evidence-based practical solutions.
Some of the challenges we can help you address:
Talent management | Strategic and operational optimisation | Design of work equipment and environment |
* You need valid and fair assessment procedures to recruit and select the right person for the right job; * You want to identify the learning needs of your staff and make sure they develop in the right direction; * You need to evaluate your employees' performance in an effective way as well as working succession plans ... | * Your ideas for further business expansion need market research;
* Some of your employees seem to lack motivation, especially when working from home ... |
* You want to boost the resilience of your staff or redesign their work schedules to improve productivity and reduce fatigue; * You strive for constant increase in job satisfaction and creating a positive organisational climate; * You want to change the design of your workplace/ products for error prevention and optimal performance... |
How will we do it in the Business Psychology Lab?
We will choose three of our best MSc Occupational and Business Psychology students, who will apply all their knowledge and skills under the strict supervision of our professional academics, all disposing of vast practical and research experience in business psychology, which allows us to provide contemporary and expert solutions related to management and organisational development. Business psychology (aka occupational, work or industrial psychology) is a modern scientific domain, applying psychological knowledge to the world of business and offering effective and innovative ideas that can boost your organisational performance at all levels. After all, people are at the heart of every organisational success and we know a lot about them.
Interested in the opportunity?
Send an email to Sonya Dineva and briefly tell us how your business can benefit from our services (we will inform you of the decision by email).