The UEL Early Career Framework
The UEL Early Career Framework
The early career framework (ECF) reforms is a step change in support for early career teachers, providing a funded entitlement to a structured 2-year package of high-quality professional development for early career teachers. The reforms are part of the government’s teacher recruitment and retention strategy, which aims to improve the training and development opportunities available to teachers.
The framework is the evidence based which underpins this new entitlement for early career teachers' professional development. It sets out what all early career teachers should learn about, and learn how to do, during the first 2 years of their careers.
UEL have chosen to work with Capita and the University of Birmingham as a Lead Provider for the Full Induction Programme, as one of a number of Universities and school partners across the country, working together as local delivery partners to deliver the ECF. You can find details about the ECF options and funding in the Department for Education (DfE) guidance Early Career Framework reforms overview.
- Based on the Ambition Institute framework and self-study materials for early career teachers (ECTs)
- Support of a dedicated UEL ECF tutor for ECTs and their mentors
- Additional conferences for ECTs and their mentors: Science of learning; Wellbeing; Implementing Change.
- Additional half-termly sessions for ECTs, with their dedicated UEL ECF tutor. Additional mentor support events, with a dedicated UEA ECF tutor.

- We are building on our experience and expertise in training new teachers to the profession and our understanding of the needs of ECTs.
- We deliver the Core Content Framework (CCF) in our initial teacher training and are able to build on this through the new ECF induction process.
- We have key knowledge of the educational landscape in the region, enabling us to address regional needs and priorities
- We start from a commitment to inclusion and social justice for all learners.
- We will draw on expertise in blended provision which takes the best of distance, digital and face-to-face learning
- We will enrich our provision through context-specific case studies
- We will build strong and sustained relationships between tutors, ECTs and their mentors
- We will cultivate habits of enquiry and reflection and develop teachers' identities, independence and sense of agency
Register via Capita's Early Career Framework: School Registration Form. When you get to question 5 on the form you will need to select the University of East London as your local Delivery Partner. By now you should have received an email from the Department for Education: Teacher Continuing Professional Development to register your nominated induction tutor (someone who will manage the statutory inductions at your school).
Your nominated induction tutor will need to log onto DfE's portal and select the 'Full Induction Programme'.
We will receive notification via Capita of schools that have registered for our ECF offer.

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please see our FAQs below or contact the School.

General FAQs
Where do I find out about the options available for my school/mat?
Check out the DfE Early career framework reforms webpage. This will explain the various options available to all schools nationally, and the funding arrangements, depending on which option you choose.
How can I make a decision that is right for my school/mat?
Ensure you consider each of the options available to you and get in touch with different providers if you are considering a Full Induction Programme and want to know further details. Please contact the school, in the first instance if you would like to know more about UEL's offer. We will get in touch with you.
Why is UEL offering a full induction programme?
With many years’ experience and expertise in teacher training and supporting newly qualified teachers, it is a natural development in our partnership working with schools. We work with mentors across the region in our teacher training programmes and welcome the opportunity to develop our work with mentors supporting early career teachers more directly through this new induction programme.
What is distinctive about UEL's offer?
Working with UEL as one of a number of universities and school partners with Capita to offer the ECF, provides the opportunity for schools in our region to be drawing on experience and expertise in teacher development across the country.
Where will face-to-face sessions be located?
Our UEL ECF Facilitators will be leading sessions in a range of geographical locations in the region. The location of venues will be decided when ECT recruitment is complete and we know the geographical location of their employing schools.
Can I still register for UEL's offer, if I don't have ECTS starting in September?
Yes. This will be supportive if you end up recruiting ECTs during the next academic year and it will also be supportive of our planning.
Is your offer open to independent schools?
Yes. There is no funding available for independent schools from the DfE. However, independent schools can still access Capita's full induction programme. The cost of the programme is £1400 per ECT and £1400 per mentor. Payment is to be made in full before the commencement of the Full Induction Programme in October 2021. Register via Capita’s Early Career Framework: School Registration Form. When you get to question 5 on the form you will need to select the University of East London as your local Delivery Partner.
Department for Education FAQs
Do schools use the DFE online portal to select their training provider?
No, schools do not use the DfE online portal to inform the DfE which provider they are working with. Schools will confirm directly with a training provider that they wish to use them. This can be either a lead provider or one of their delivery partners. Lead providers will inform the DfE which schools they are working with and the department will ask schools to confirm this partnership with the online service being updated accordingly.
Have all schools received an invite from DFE to nominate their induction tutor?
Yes. Email invites have been sent to all maintained schools and academies. The invite will have been sent to the email address(es) registered against the school in GIAS (Get Information About Schools). This is usually an office@, admin@ or head@ email address. A school can download its entry on GIAS to check which address will be set to receive the invite.
If they cannot find the original invite, schools can visit the Manage Training government website and generate a new email invite to the address they have registered with GIAS or email for support.
What email were the invites sent from?
“Department for Education: Teacher Continuing Professional Development”
If they cannot find the original invite, schools can visit the Manage Training government website and generate a new email invite to the address they have registered with GIAS.
What is the deadline for schools to set up their access on the DFE service?
Unless a school is opting to design its own ECF-based programmes, the school will need to get set up on the DfE portal ahead of the early career teachers beginning their inductions. For most early career teachers, this will be September.
When will schools be able to add details of their early career teachers and mentors?
Schools will be able to add the details of their early career teachers and mentors before the start of the summer holidays.