Sian Trimble Davey's story
Sian Trimble Davey's story
When I was seven my parents divorced. I don't blame my mum for leaving my dad, he had undiagnosed severe Attention Deficit Disorder at a time when people didn't understand. He'd found it difficult growing up and struggled as an adult - until he met my stepmum.
She was a Police Community Support Officer and worked with children on the autistic spectrum, so she took him to the doctor for a diagnosis.
My mum worked full-time and looked after us. I remember being so proud of her, I still am.
We were in sheltered accommodation for six months but always had fun together. The accommodation was next to the beach, so we spent most evenings there paddling.
After we moved into our house, she met my stepdad and our four parents did everything they could to help us believe in ourselves.
In school, my friends were the smart ones but my grades were never that great. We lived in a small town with only one way out, university. I worked so hard, and I just about met the requirements to study at the University of East London.
A lecturer suggested I get tested for learning difficulties after I handed in my first piece of coursework. It was then confirmed that I'd completed my GCSEs and A Levels with undiagnosed dyslexia.
I was smart, I just had to do things differently to my friends. I graduated with my writing-based degree with a high 2:1, and four years later I graduated from my master's with a first.
I stayed in London, though I do miss the beach, and I'm in the industry that I always wanted to be in.
Sian Trimble-Davey works as the East London Sport Marketing and Communications Manager.