Roshan Nageena's story
Roshan Nageena's story
Choosing to study at UEL was a strategic decision for me. The MSc programme offered by the Centre for Alternative Technology appealed to me for its flexibility, allowing me to complete it online through distance education. This experience not only equipped me with valuable knowledge but also instilled the confidence necessary to establish my own firm and navigate the complexities of decision-making within the architectural field.
One of my favourite aspects of UEL was our numerous group projects which brought together students from all corners of the globe, fostering a rich tapestry of ideas and creativity. The diverse and innovative spirit of our collective brainstorming provided me with invaluable knowledge I would not have gotten had I not picked UEL.
If I could impart one piece of advice to others, it would be to prioritise interaction with fellow students. The value of these interactions cannot be overstated, as they provide unique insights, foster collaboration, and contribute immensely to personal and professional growth.
I am now based in Kerala, India, where I have established my own architecture firm. Utilising the knowledge I gained from my course, I designed my company to prioritise inclusive decision-making, aiming to enhance communication among all stakeholders early in the design process.
Roshan Nageena
MSc Green Buildings