Attendance and Engagement Policy
1. Purpose and Scope of the Policy
1.1 Purpose
1.1.1 The purpose of this policy is to explain how UEL monitors student course attendance and overall engagement and outlines the actions that will be taken in instances of low or non-attendance. Attendance and overall engagement are monitored to meet regulatory and funding body requirements, to track and provide support to individual students where required, and to inform internal resource planning and service provision.
1.2 Definitions
1.2.1 Attendance is defined as participating in-person at a compulsory teaching session. This is normally recorded when a student registers their access card on the attendance card reader in the classroom shown on their timetable at the given time.
1.2.2 Some courses may have alternative arrangements, for example where teaching is not taking place at a UEL campus with attendance card readers, or where compulsory supervision meetings are scheduled outside of the University’s central timetabling system.
1.2.3 Engagement is defined as participating in non-compulsory activities within the wider institution. This can refer to online engagement such as interacting with online learning resources or physical engagement such entering the library or meeting with support services.
1.3 Scope
1.3.1 This policy applies to all students studying at the University of East London (UEL) with compulsory teaching sessions at UEL campuses.
1.3.2 Postgraduate research degrees, apprenticeships and courses that include integrated work placements are also monitored. The Student Engagement & Retention Team (SERT) will liaise with the relevant authorities to monitor attendance in the absence of access card reader information and will escalate cases of low attendance or non-attendance as outlined in Section 3.
1.3.3 For students undertaking postgraduate research degrees, inductions, supervision meetings, annual monitoring reviews and transfer from MPhil to PhD meetings are considered compulsory teaching sessions. Postgraduate research students are required to formerly record their supervision meetings within PhD Manager.
1.3.4 Students registered on Distance Learning courses will have their participation monitored by their teaching school. Cases of low participation or non-participation can be referred to SERT for escalation measures outlined in Section 3.
1.3.5 There are certain groups of students that this policy does not cover, specifically those delivered wholly or in part by academic partners. Course handbooks will specify whether this policy does not apply to a specific course.
2. Policy statement
2.1.1 This policy is not designed to be punitive. Attendance and engagement are widely acknowledged as being essential for successful learning outcomes. By monitoring attendance and engagement, we aim to work with students to overcome any barriers to learning at the earliest available opportunity.
2.1.2 Students are expected to attend all teaching sessions, including lectures, seminars, group work, tutorials, meetings, and reviews. This is usually in-person on campus but may be an online session as arranged by the module leader. During extended projects and dissertations, students should follow attendance guidelines for dissertation supervision set out in dissertation module specifications.
2.1.3 Student attendance is reviewed throughout the academic year for compulsory teaching sessions.
2.1.4 For timetabled sessions, a student is ‘on time’ if they register their access card no earlier than 10 minutes before a teaching session and no later than 15 minutes after. A student is ‘late’ if they register their access card more than 15 minutes after the start of a teaching session. Both ‘on time’ and ‘late’ are considered as ‘in attendance’ for the scope of this policy.
2.1.5 SERT may contact students with consistent ‘late’ attendance to discuss their individual circumstances, so that appropriate support measures can be identified.
2.1.6 UEL has a statutory responsibility to report attendance and changes in enrolment status to funding bodies. In the case of international students who require a student visa, we are also required to inform UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) if students are no longer attending.
3. Procedure
3.1 General
3.1.1 Attendance is monitored on compulsory teaching sessions throughout the academic year.
3.1.2 There are separate processes for supporting students with Low Attendance and Non-Attendance.
3.2 Engagement
3.2.1 Engagement activity is recorded and reviewed alongside attendance data to build a general picture of a student’s interactions with the University. Students will be able to view this data through Track My Future or, if relevant, PhD Manager.
3.3 Absences
3.3.1 Students can report absences via the Absence Form. We will consider absence information as a contextual factor when contacting students with low or non-attendance and it may be used to inform appropriate support.
3.3.2 Informing UEL about an absence does not mean it is authorised. Students that need to take a prolonged absence (over 5 working days) or frequent short absences should contact SERT to create a supportive action plan. This could include support in catching up with missed sessions or consideration of taking a study break.
3.4 Low attendance
3.4.1 SERT review attendance data at checkpoints throughout the academic year. This provides a snapshot of each student’s cumulative attendance within the review window.
3.4.2 For attendance monitoring, interacting with online resources associated with a campus-based teaching session does not count as a replacement for attending the session in-person.
3.4.3 The threshold for classifying low attendance is determined by UEL, however courses accredited by professional bodies or external organisations may have specific requirements as outlined in their course handbook. If this is more stringent than those set by the University, the professional body's standards will take precedence.
3.4.4 SERT will contact students if they are deemed to have low attendance. Students will be encouraged to meet with their school’s Education & Experience Officer to discuss their individual circumstances, so that the appropriate support can be identified via an Action Plan. This could be academic support or from UEL’s wider support services.
3.4.5 If attendance is below the threshold for consecutive checkpoints, SERT will contact the student, their Academic Advisor, and Course Leader to continue offering support. In instances of prolonged low attendance, course leaders may recommend that a student be withdrawn from their course, provided that all other options have been thoroughly considered.
3.4.6 Any student who is contacted due to low attendance but subsequently begins attending above the threshold will be removed from the low attendance process. However, they should continue to engage with any support measures already identified and may rejoin the low attendance process if attendance declines again.
3.5 Non-attendance
3.5.1 The University has a responsibility to have due regard to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of students. This support includes taking necessary actions, where appropriate, to address any cause for concern regarding the absence of individuals in line with our Absent & Missing Students Policy.
3.5.2 In addition to reviewing attendance data at checkpoints throughout the academic year, SERT continuously monitor attendance to identify the last time a student attended a scheduled teaching session.
3.5.3 Students who do not attend any scheduled sessions for a period of 10 consecutive days will be supported via the non-attendance process.
3.5.4 If students have compulsory teaching sessions at wider intervals, such as those undertaking postgraduate research degrees, SERT will liaise with the relevant department to identify instances of non-attendance at the earliest available opportunity.
3.5.5 SERT will contact students at set intervals if continuous non-attendance is flagged. Students will be encouraged to meet with their school’s Education & Experience Officer to discuss their individual circumstances, so that the appropriate support can be identified via an Action Plan. This could be academic support or from UEL’s wider support services.
3.5.6 If non-attendance is flagged for consecutive review periods, SERT will contact the student, their Academic Advisor, and Course Leader to continue offering support. In instances of prolonged non-attendance, there is a statutory obligation to process a withdrawal and inform the relevant authorities (e.g., UKVI or the Student Loans Company).
3.5.7 Any student who is contacted due to non-attendance but subsequently begins attending will be removed from the non-attendance process. However, they should continue to engage with any measures already identified and may still be contacted if low attendance is identified in subsequent review periods.
3.6 Appeal
3.6.1 Students identified for withdrawal under the Low Attendance or Non-Attendance procedures will be notified in writing and can submit an attendance withdrawal appeal before the decision is finalised.
3.6.2 Appeals must be submitted within 10 working days of receiving the written notification outlining the decision to initiate withdrawal proceedings.
3.6.3 Students are encouraged to seek advice and assistance from the Students’ Union at the earliest opportunity, if required.
3.6.4 When submitting an appeal, students are expected to provide all relevant documentation and evidence to support their case, along with details of all factors they wish to be considered.
3.6.5 Appeals are reviewed by the relevant Student Engagement & Retention Co-Ordinator in SERT. Academic progress and wider engagement are considered alongside the appeal document.
3.6.6 SERT will respond to appeals within 5 working days.
3.6.7 Students should continue to engage with their studies whilst their appeal is being considered.
3.6.8 If an appeal is upheld, this will be communicated to the student in writing, and they shall be removed from the Low Attendance or Non-Attendance process.
3.6.9 If the appeal against withdrawal is not upheld, this will be communicated to the student in writing by the issue of a Completion of Procedures letter as soon as possible and within 28 days.
3.6.10 The Completion of Procedures letter will include a clear explanation and outline the reasons for the decision. It will also advise the student about their right to submit a complaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA) for review, the time limit for doing so, and where and how to access advice and support.
3.6.11 The decision is final and there shall be no further appeal against this decision.
3.7 Circumvention
3.7.1 Circumvention occurs if a student registers their attendance at an in-person timetabled teaching session but does not attend the duration of the session.
3.7.2 Any student who registers their attendance without being physically present, or who enables another student to do so, will be considered to have circumvented the policy.
3.7.4 Spot checks are carried out periodically to identify incidents of the attendance policy being circumvented.
3.7.5 SERT will work with any student considered to have circumvented the policy to overcome barriers to learning. In repeat cases, the Student Disciplinary Process may be initiated to support students to adhere to the standards of behaviour expected of the University of East London community.
4. Links to other Institutional Policies and Procedures
This Policy relates to the following institutional regulations, policies, or procedures:
Student Initiated Intermission, Transfer & Withdrawal Policy- Assessment and Feedback Policy
- Tuition Fees Policy
- Fitness to Practice Policy
- Fitness to Study Policy
- Non-Academic Misconduct Policy
- Absent and Missing Students Policy
To see these policies refer to the previous page.