Payroll Staff
- Payroll Manager - Florence Alozie
- Senior Payroll Officer - Paul Kinsman
- Payroll Officer - Christine Deasy
If you have any queries regarding your pay, please email the team at
Key Dates
UEL Staff Briefing on Pensions Tax
pdf, 98.43 KB
Payroll Deadlines 2016
pdf, 53.04 KB
Our tax office is NorthEast Metropolitan at:
HM Revenue & Customs
PAYE & Self Assessment
PO Box 1970
L75 1WX
Telephone: 0300 200 3300
Our Employers PAYE Reference is 120/P4001 . Please have your National Insurance Number to hand when contacting HMRC.
Contact HMRC about a change to your personal details.
Contact Us
HR Services
University of East London
Docklands Campus
4-6 University Way
London, E16 2RD
Tele: 020 8223 4310/4311
Fax: 020 8223 4948