The Vice Chancellor & President positional statement on anti-racism
“The UK still has much to do to combat racism, which can and does cause significant stress, distress, and obstacles to the flourishing life everyone has a right to, impacting on health, educational and other outcomes. As microcosms of society, universities need to tackle racism in all its dimensions with renewed vigour. Racism is learned; anything that is learned can be unlearned. We will continue to raise awareness and curate intentional spaces for courageous, no-blame discussions about race, equity, identity and culture.
The University of East London is proud to have one of the most diverse, inclusive and representative student and staff body of any university. Our commitment to social justice and inclusion underpins everything we do for the communities we serve. Tackling inequities, breaking down barriers to education and working for a more inclusive society is at the core of UEL’s mission.
As Vice Chancellor & President, I am committed to dismantling systems of advantage and disadvantage that perpetuate injustice wherever they may exist. We remain resolute in our mission to be an exemplar of how universities can shift the dial on systemic societal inequities.”