Diversity of Thought Report
Our Diversity of Thought Programme
A rite of passage for university students across the UK is securing a coveted graduate internship or graduate job, and it is an aspiration many students share. However, with these schemes vastly oversubscribed and graduates applying for an average of 25* roles, it is a competitive marketplace, with those from marginalised groups both less likely to apply and be successful in securing these opportunities.
In a study undertaken in 2020 it was established that less than 12% of University of East London graduates were working within Times Top 100 companies, something we were committed to change.
Our Diversity of Thought (DoT) Programme was conceptualised as a vehicle for driving aspiration and social mobility. Through consultation with students, staff, and industry we were able to identify the common challenges our students faced in accessing graduate level roles within aspirational companies.
We identified that many of our graduates simply didn’t even consider these organisations at all and for those that did apply, the competitive selection processes were alien and daunting. In response to this, the Diversity of Thought Programme was developed to directly address the key stages of the recruitment cycle where those from marginalised backgrounds would be less likely to be represented. In collaboration with our partners the programme is co-created, with pick and mix elements to ensure it is complementary to existing partner recruitment processes whilst also providing maximum impact in driving a step change in diversifying the talent pipeline.
Cherise Basslian, Director of Careers and Student Enterprise said:
We are thrilled to share the inaugural Diversity of Thought report which showcases our incredible partnership work on this programme, including the 16 committed partners we work with. During the launch at the roundtable event we heard from employers including WPP and ITV, who shared their experience of sourcing talent through the programme.
Michael Ludlow, Talent Acquisition Director at VMLY&R said:
Many companies have the desire to change, but it can take a long time. UEL’s Diversity of Thought Programme has been an amazing advocate for making changes in the world of EDI. I’m proud to say that VMLY&R and I are as passionate about making changes – they take time, but they are happening. The standard we’ve hired from the programme has been exceptional.
*Fennell, A. (2023) Graduate Statistics for the UK. Available at: UK Graduate Statistics & Employment Rates | 2023 Analysis (standout-cv.com), (Accessed: 31st May 2023).
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Contact us
If you're an employer and would like to know how your company can be part of the DoT please email the Partnerships Team mailbox - employers@uel.ac.uk