Home About UEL Alumni Success stories Success stories Celebrating the success of our alumni Hero Carousel Celebrating the success of our alumni Home About UEL Alumni Success stories Success storiesFrom sports stars to CEOs, we have a wide variety of graduates doing lots of fantastic and exciting things. Alex Wilding Alex WildingBA (Hons) Psychology, 2014 Close Daniel Igbinyemi Daniel IgbinyemiBA (Hons) Photography, 2012 Close Dwayne Fields Dwayne FieldsBA Psychology, International Development with Career and Business Management, 2014 Close Rebecca Weaf Smith Rebecca Weaf SmithBA Fashion and Textiles, 2005 and MSC Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, 2017 Close Kate Osamor MP Kate Osamor MPBA International Development, 2006 Close Ben Oliver Ben OliverBA History, 2017 Close Ben Bolt Ben BoltBSc Psychology with Counselling and Mentoring 2013 Close Dr Val Lowman OBE Dr Val Lowman OBEPsychosynthesis Counselling, 2001 Close Aliya Dirie Aliya DirieMSc Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, 2018 Close Reece Parkinson Reece ParkinsonBA Media and Communication, 2015 Close Charlie Blair Charlie BlairBA Dance Urban Practice, 2017 Close Lucy Quist Lucy QuistBSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 1999 Close Preet Gill MP Preet Gill MPBA Sociology and Social Work, 1995 Close Dr Steve Armstrong Dr Steve ArmstrongBA Business, 1999 Close James Aidoo James AidooBA Youth and Community Work, 2012 Close Jacqueline Malcolm Jacqueline MalcolmMA Theatrical Directing 2015 Close Joan Saunders-Reece Joan Saunders-ReeceMSc Terrorism Studies, 2009 Close Aisha Labefo-Auda Aisha Labefo-AudaBSc Psychology Studies, 2014 and MSc Career Coaching, 2016 Close Akesha Reid Akesha ReidBA English Literature with Creative & Professional Writing, 2013 Close Laura Iosifescu Laura IosifescuBA Fine Arts, 2012 Close Ben Christopher Harris Ben Christopher HarrisBA Dance Urban Practice with Fitness and Health, 2015 Close Karine Goudout Karine GoudoutBA Dance Urban Practice, 2015 Close Abbie Nicholls Abbie NichollsBA Drama and Applied Theatre & Performance, 2017 Close Christian Graham Christian GrahamBA Film Studies and Theatre Studies, 2015 Close View more Connect with UEL AlumniSimply follow, like or connect with us.