2024 January Alumni of the month
2024 January Alumni of the month
Why did you choose to study at UEL?
I chose to study my Master of Business Administration at UEL as it offered diversity. I would like to give credit to my journey at UEL for shaping my future.
What is your one special memory of your time at UEL?
My special memory was the atmosphere at the Docklands campus, including the infrastructure and the diversity.
What have you done since graduating from UEL?
Since graduating, I have worked in many fields including retail and commercial banking, investment management, media and entertainment, education, healthcare and hospitality.
What is your current job role? And what does it involve?
My current job role is: ‘Head of Executive Education at Ahmedabad University'. I curate and run executive and corporate programmes including building alumni relationships and endowment fundraising.
How did UEL help you get to where you are now?
UEL allowed me to learn a valuable lesson by helping me take on responsibility and never staying within my comfort zone. University helped me to push myself further; grow my horizons and reach higher.
What advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell my younger self to push yourself to your limits to realise your potential. If I were to do it all over again, I would do so with ten times more effort.
What advice would you give to UEL current students preparing to graduate?
I would advise current students to push themselves into a digital world that is highly volatile and uncertain. It is important to have an attitude to learn-unlearn-learn because this will help give you a competitive edge.
Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know:
I am highly spiritual and believe in karma. This has allowed me to be a better person who puts himself into the shoes of others. My mantra is to try and do good and keep doing it.
If you were to do it all again, would you still choose UEL?
I would choose UEL again and put in my maximum effort to reach my full potential.