2021 August alumni of the month
2021 August alumni of the month
Why did you choose to study at UEL?
Several factors influenced my decision in wanting to study at UEL. I was first connected through athletics in my undergrad. My choice to do my MBA was due to locations and opportunities in London.
What is your one special memory of your time at UEL?
It's extremely hard to pinpoint my favourite memories. I'd have to say that everyone I met throughout the years had a tremendous impact on my life. I will forever carry these memories with these people.
What have you done since graduating from UEL?
Since graduating, I have been extremely focused on my career and developing my network. I moved back to the US for 6 months for a huge work project (with a company I met at the UEL career fair).
What is your current job role? And what does it involve?
I'm Head of US Business Development for Unifi.id, a property technology company based in London. I handle partner relationships, and deployments, and work with our CEO to accelerate the US business.
How did UEL help you get to where you are now?
I'm in such an amazing position today because of UEL. The university provided me with so many helpful resources from sports to academics - to the job I currently have!
What advice would you give your younger self?
I would tell my younger self to be comfortable living in the unknown and take every day as a new opportunity. Life is a windy road - if it were straight, it would be boring!
What advice would you give to UEL current students preparing to graduate?
It's extremely important now to set clear goals. It's okay to have higher expectations for yourself and what you want in life, especially right now. Keep focused and utilise your support systems.
Tell us something about yourself that most people don't know:
I started college with plans to work in the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team (HRT) as a helicopter pilot. I went into business instead, but still have the slightest urge to go to flight school!
If you were to do it all again, would you still choose UEL?
Doing it all again, I would definitely choose UEL. I've looked into furthering my education and doing a PhD in the next few years. UEL is at the top of my list.