2021 April Alumni of the Month
2021 April Alumni of the Month
Why did you choose to study at UEL?
The values of community and diversity and great study facilities. Notable alumni like human rights lawyer, Imran Khan, and the proximity of the campus to Stratford Shopping Centre.
What is your one special memory of your time at UEL?
The times spent with colleagues in cafes and bars having drinks and discussing the law. I met many unforgettable personalities who have become very successful and who remain trusted friends to date.
What have you done since graduating from UEL?
Got a PhD in Law, wrote two books that are currently Amazon's number-one bestsellers, set up an employment agency and a commodities trading company for gold and diamonds, and am an immigration law practitioner.
What is your current job role? And what does it involve?
I wear many hats, but I would say I am a businessman, bestselling author and lawyer, specialising in immigration law. I also structure and manage gold and diamond contracts for African producers.
How did UEL help you get to where you are now?
I made many useful contacts across the globe and leveraged those to boost my business and my career. I also had excellent lecturers like Anne Griffiths who were great mentors in the law and in life.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Be fearless and bold. Always be prepared. You never know when the next opportunity will come, and you have to prove yourself. Always follow your heart and do not imitate other people. You are unique.
What advice would you give to UEL current students preparing to graduate?
The world is such a vast and changing place. Your education is the most powerful weapon you can use to understand it. Don't let what you can't do stop you from doing what you can.
Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know:
I am a very good cook, so I'm told and have never used a recipe book in my life. I am considering writing a cookbook and I'm sure it will be a bestseller like my other books.
If you were to do it all again, would you still choose UEL?
I would choose UEL anytime, even in my next life.
Itayi Garande