Mr Sydney Jeffers
Senior Lecturer (Sociology)
Senior Lecturer
Department of Social Work Counselling & Social Care , School of Childhood and Social Care
I'm a senior lecturer at UEL and a member of the Editorial Collective of the journal Critical Social Policy. I have also served as a Trustee of the British Sociological Association and as a convenor of the BSA Race Study Group.
Areas Of Interest
- Race
- Public policy
- Social theory
- Digital Sociology
- Former Chair of the School's Web Committee
- Improving Outcomes for Young Black Men in Hackney - This project is about developing an evaluation tool for this initiative.
- Race, Mental Health and Masculinity in Newham
- Jewson, N. Jeffers, S. Kalra, V (2003) 'In Our Blood': Respite Services, Family Care & Asian Communities, Leicester, Ethnic Elders and Ethnicity Research Centre, University of Leicester.
- Jeffers, S. (1993) "Is Race Really the Sign of the Times or is Postmodernism Only Skin Deep? Black Sections and the Problem of Authority." In Malcolm Cross and Michael Keith (eds.) Racism, the City and the State. London: Routledge p157-177.
- Hoyes, L. Jeffers, S. Lart, R. Means, R and Taylor, M. (1993) User Empowerment and the Reform of Community Care. Bristol: SAUS/Joseph Rowntree.
- Jeffers, S. and Means, R. (eds.) (1991) 'The Racialisation of Public Policy' Policy and Politics. Vol. 19, Number 3, July.
- Jeffers, S. (1991) "Black Sections in the Labour Party: The end of ethnicity and 'godfather' politics." In Pnina Werbner, and Muhammed Anwar, (Eds.)(1991) Black and Ethnic Leaderships in Britain. London: Routledge.
- Lambert, C. Jeffers, S. Bramley, and G. Burton, P.(1991) Homelessness in Rural Areas. Rural Development Commission.
- Jeffers, S. and Harrison, L. (1990) Final Report: Evaluation of the HEA Smoking Prevention Field Support Unit. Report to the HEA.
- Means, R. Harrison, L. Jeffers, S. And Smith, R. (1990) Understanding Alcohol: An Evaluation of an Education Programme. London: Health Education Authority.
- Jeffers, S. (1990) Victimography: Framing the homeless. In Tim Putnam, Charles Newton, (Eds.) Household Choices. London: Futures Publications.
- Leather, P. and Jeffers, S. (1989) Taking Tenants to Court: A Study of Possession Actions by Local Authorities. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
- Murie, A. Jeffers, S. (1987) Living in Bed and Breakfast: The experience of homelessness in London. Bristol: SAUS Working Paper 71
- Jewson, N. Jeffers, S. Kalra, V (2001) Older People from Asian Communities in Leicestershire, Leicester, Ethnic Elders and Leicestershire County Council.
- Jeffers, S. Jewson, N. Kalra, V (1999) Asian Elders in Leicester Oral History Website Ethnic Elders and Ethnicity Research Centre, University of Leicester in association with Channel 4. http://www.le.ac.uk/so/ethnic/research/elderasians/karnigr.html
- Jeffers, S. Hoggett, P. and Harrison, L. (1996) 'Race Ethnicity and Community in Three Localities' New Community Vol. 22. No. 1 January pp.111-126.
- Jeffers, S. (1996) The Experience of Black and Minority Offenders to Probation. Final Report to the Inner London Probation Service.
- Jeffers, S. and Hoggett, P. (1995) Like Counting Deck-Chairs on the Titanic: A Study of Institutional Racism and the Housing Allocations in Haringey and Lambeth. Housing Studies Vol. 10, No. 3 July. p325-344.
- Jeffers, S. Hoggett, P. and Harrison, L. (1995) 'Race Ethnicity and Community Development' in Community Development Journal.
- Hoggett, P. Jeffers, S. and Harrison, L. (1994) Reflexivity and Uncertainty in the Research Process. Policy and Politics Vol. 22, No. 1, Jan p59-71.
- Jeffers, S. (1993) 'Sick as a Jewish Parrot' in Jewish Socialist. Number 29 May-August p12-13.
- SC4003 Research Methods for Sociology and Social Policy
- SC5003 Social Theory 2: Classical and Contemporary Approaches
- SC5006 Understanding Social Change: Science Technology and Society
- SC6000 Research and Dissertation
- SC6014 Constructions of 'Race' in Culture and Politics
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