Dr Subramaniam Arunachalam
Senior Lecturer
Production Management, Manufacturing Strategy and Manufacturing Management
Department of Engineering & Construction , School Of Architecture, Computing And Engineering
Dr Subramaniam Arunachalam is a senior lecturer in mechanical engineering. He holds a Doctorate in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering and an Honours degree in Manufacturing Systems Engineering.
- PhD (Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering), University of Hertfordshire
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Coventry University
- BEng (Hons) Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of East London
- BSc (Chemistry) University of Madras, India
Areas Of Interest
Fields of research interest include flexible manufacturing cell design, quality control techniques, automation systems material requirement planning, lean manufacturing, Six Sigma quality issues, business process outsourcing, total quality management, business process reengineering, inventory management, manufacturing systems simulation, manufacturing strategy, worker training, material flow, value stream mapping, just-in-time, MRP, ERP, supply chain management, team value management, mass customization and product development.
Dr Arunachalam has extensive experience in delivering lectures and workshops in production management, manufacturing strategy and manufacturing management to senior managers of Ford Motor Company in the UK and Germany as part of the University of East London's academic programmes. His expertise includes applying simulation techniques to optimise production and assembly systems through increased productivity and low-cost manufacturing techniques. He has participated and contributed to the University of Oxford's Operation Management and Manufacturing Strategy Faculty Programmes on teaching Operation Management to undergraduate, and postgraduate students and post-experience senior managers. He regularly participates in debates on topical issues in the manufacturing industry organised by the Institute for Manufacturing, University of Cambridge. Dr Arunachalam has been listed in the Marquis' Who's Who, Premier Edition 2009.
Dr Arunachalam has published more than 200 scientific articles in high-profile journals and peer-reviewed conferences and has presented many invited papers internationally. He has developed and delivered short courses in Six Sigma, Productivity Improvement, Quality Management, Lean Manufacturing, and Total Quality Management to many British, Indian and Malaysian SMEs. He has made significant contributions in organising international conferences and serves on the board of scientific/international programme committees of many international conferences hosted in Australia, Finland, Helsinki, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, UK, USA, Malaysia and China.
He is a referee and reviewer for many leading international scientific journals and is a full member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK. He has participated and contributed to many international panel discussions on the "Changing Trend of Manufacturing", and has received grants/awards/sponsorships from the Royal Academy of Engineering (UK), the British Council (UK) and the International Scientific Committee of the European Commission.
PhD supervision:
- Investigation of the dynamic interaction between a human body and a car seat using computer modelling techniques (Research is supported by Ford Motor Co Ltd).
- Cloud computing techniques to achieve low-cost manufacturing in automotive component manufacturing (Research is supported by Ford Motor Co Ltd).
- A framework to implement a cloud-based ERP system to optimise business processes in Gulf manufacturing SMEs – case approach (Research is supported by Ford Motor Co Ltd).
- Framework for quality improvement for Arab manufacturing companies using TQM and continuous improvement strategies (research is supported by Ford Motor Co Ltd)
- Optimising assembly operations using expert systems and simulation techniques (Research is supported by Ford Motor Co Ltd.
- Achieving world-class performance through integration of lean and sigma systems - a strategic approach (Research is supported by Ford Motor Co Ltd).
- A novel model for workforce training in a lean environment - an empirical study
- Framework for lean six sigma in small and medium manufacturing enterprises
- Sustainability and Renewable Energy Sources
- Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Processes
- Advanced Materials and Finite Element Analysis
- Manufacturing Simulation
- Total Quality Management
- Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Technology
- Product Engineering Science
- Design for Manufacture and Design Management
- Innovative Materials
- Project and Quality Management
Browse past publications by year.
Full publications list
Visit the research repository to view a full list of publications
- Finite Element Modelling of Car Seat with Hyperelastic and Viscoelastic Foam Material Properties to Assess Vertical Vibration in Terms of Acceleration Engineering. 12 (3), pp. 177-193. https://doi.org/10.4236/eng.2020.123015
- Compact System for Measuring Vibration at Different locations of Car Seat and Human Driver in Dynamic Condition International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. 9 (2), pp. 13669-13676. https://doi.org/10.15680/IJIRSET.2020.0902046
- Modelling the Car Seated Human Body using Composite Ellipsoidal Bodies and Evaluation of Size and Shape Specific Stiffness Data for Various Human Segments International Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 7 (2), pp. 26-32. https://doi.org/10.14445/23488360/IJME-V7I2P105
- Unique Finite Element Modelling of Human Body Inside Accelerating Car to Predict Accelerations and Frequencies at Different Human Segments Applied Sciences. 10 (Art. 1861). https://doi.org/10.3390/app10051861
- Vibration Study in Human-Car Seat System: Overview and a Novel Simulation Technique Journal of Material Sciences & Engineering. 7 (Art. 421). https://doi.org/10.4172/2169-0022.1000421
- Cloud-based ERP for Arab Manufacturing Firms i-manager’s Journal on Cloud Computing. 3 (4), pp. 1-6. https://doi.org/10.26634/jcc.3.4.13592
- Investigation on the Turning Parameters for Surface Roughness using Taguchi Analysis Procedia Engineering. 51, pp. 781-790
- Investigation on the Turning Parameters for Surface Roughness using Taguchi Analysis Procedia Engineering. 51, pp. 781-790