Dr Sandie Woods
Hourly Paid Lecturer
Occupational Therapy, Health and Social Care.
Department of Nursing , School Of Health, Sport And Bioscience
Dr Sandie Woods is an hourly paid lecturer in Occupational Therapy.
- Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD): London South Bank University
- Senior Fellow Higher Education Academy (SFHE)
- MSc Professional Development for Allied Health Professions (Occupational Therapy)
- Post graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PGHCE) Open University
- BSc (2:1) Health and Social Care, Open University
Areas Of Interest
- Occupational Therapy, teaching and learning in higher education, Dementia, long term conditions, ageing and mental health.
- Qualitative research, oral history, arts-based research, change management.
- Service evaluation.
- Mentoring, supervision and reflective practice.
Dr Sandie Woods was a Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy at London South Bank University for 15 years. Sandie now works with students across health and social care courses (undergraduate and postgraduate) at four universities.
Sandie has a special interest in qualitative research.
- Woods, S. (2020) Doctoral Thesis: Exploring the lived experience of dementia friends champions: poetic representation. https://doi.org/10.18744/lsbu.8vvy3
Research groups
- Member of the Oral History Society
- Member of the Higher Education Dementia Network (HEDN)
- Member of PAN London Dementia Services Occupational Therapy Group.
- Woods, S. (2020) Doctoral Thesis: Exploring the lived experience of dementia friends champions: poetic representation. https://doi.org/10.18744/lsbu.8vvy3
- Woods, S. (2023) Evaluating a reminiscence project (RYCT) in a residential care home, The Journal of Dementia Care, November/ December, 31 (6), 21-23
- Woods, S. (2023) Remembering Yesterday Caring Today, OT News, June, 34- 37.
- Woods, S. (2022) Learning about dementia through theatre in higher education, OT News, April, 32-34.
- Woods, S. (2022) Three minutes to make a difference, OT News, May, 36-37
- Stewart- Lord, A. et al. (2020) The Role and Development of Advanced Clinical Practice Within Allied Health Professions: A Mixed Method Study, Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 13, 1705-1715. https://doi.org/10.2147/JMDH.S267083
- Fennessy, J. Woods, S. Johnson, H. Rivas, C. Norbury, D. Almeida-Harvey, I. Moriarty, J. Wimpenny, K. Bushell, K. and Blake, P. (2019) Conference Report: Carnival of Invention, Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 20 (2), Art. 3.
- Woods, S. (2018) Reflection through poetry writing, OT News, 26(3), 22-23.
- 2017 Stewart- Lord, A. Baillie, L. and Woods, S (2017) Health care staff perceptions of a coaching and mentoring programme: A qualitative case study evaluation, International Journal of Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring, 15, No.2, 70-85.
- Baillie, L. Beecraft, S. Woods, S. (2015) Dementia friends sessions for nursing students, Nursing Older People, 27 (09), 34-38. https://doi.org/10.7748/nop.27.9.34.s20 https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/1472-0795
Poster presentations
- Woods, S. (2019) Reflections on the doctoral journey using the Kawa Model (poster presentation, London South Bank University Postgraduate.
- Woods, S. (2019) Lived experience of dementia friends champions: poetic representation (poster presentation), 14th UK Dementia Congress), 5- 7 November 2019. Doncaster, England. careinfo.org/ukdc
- Woods, S. (2017) Explore the lived experience of Dementia Friends Champions: Poetic representation. Poster P30, Book of Abstracts, British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 80 (8), 82. Resource Pack: 2018 Johnson et al. (2018) Collaborative Poetics
- Resource Pack: A collection of teaching materials, activities, resources and guidance notes for participatory arts-based research.
Book chapters
- Woods, S. (2014) Long-term conditions, in: Wills, J. (ed.) Fundamentals of health promotion for nurses. 2nd Ed. London: Wiley Blackwell, 150-164
- Woods, S. (2014) Health promotion and older adults, in: Wills, J. (ed.) Fundamentals of health promotion for nurses. 2nd Ed. London: Wiley Blackwell, 292-309
- Erwin, J. T. Woods, S. and Lennard D. (2003) Black Africans in the UK living with HIV, in: Erwin et al. (eds) Ethnicity and HIV: Prevention and care in Europe and the USA. London: International Medical Press Ltd, 229-240
- 2002 Woods, S. and Hawkins, C. (2002) HIV/AIDS, in: Turner, A et al. (eds) Occupational therapy and physical dysfunction: Principles, skills and practice. 5th Ed. London: Churchill Livingstone, 455-475 Part of ISBN: 978-0443062247
- 2000 Stephenson, J. Woods, S. Scott, B. and Meadway, J. (2000) HIV-related brain impairment: From palliative care to rehabilitation, International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 6 (1), 6-11. DOI: 10.12968/ijpn.2000.6.1.6 Part of ISSN: 1357-6321
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