Dr Robin Mutter
Senior Lecturer
Social work
Department of Social Work Counselling & Social Care , School of Childhood and Social Care
Robin previously lectured in social work at the University of Hertfordshire where besides teaching Social Policy and Preparation for Practice BSc modules he was the programme leader for the Post Qualifying Award in Child Care. Before this, he taught Sociology at the Essex-based Ruskin College DipSW while conducting research and some family group conference co-ordinating for Essex Social Services.
He also undertook research for the University of Essex where he studied for his PhD. With a background in statutory social work (both generic and specialising in children and families and child protection) his research involvement has included studies of Family Group Conferencing in children's services, youth justice and mental health services and a study of the reproductive health needs of young asylum seekers. Robin has been involved in a study of service user perspectives on mental health services for people with learning disabilities and a literature-based grounded theory of the effect of child protection processes on family social support and social capital.
Current research interests include the transformation and conceptualisation of family group conferencing in social work organisations. Robin is an alumnus (former student) of UEL having studied Sociology with Professional Studies (BA) and the Certificate of Qualification in Social Work here in the 80s.
- Donner, B., Mutter, R., and Scior, K. (2010), Mainstream In-Patient Mental Health Care for People with Intellectual Disabilities: Service User, Carer and Provider Experiences, Volume 23, Issue 3, Pages 214 – 225.
- Mutter, R. Shemmings, D. Dugmore, P. & Hyare, M. (2008) Family group conferences in youth justice, Health and Social Care in the Community, (16) 3, pp. 262-270.
- Eldridge, K. and Mutter, R. (2006) ‘The Ethical and Methodological Issues of Assessing the Reproductive Health Needs of Young Asylum Seekers’ in Pretty, J., Sellens, M., South, N. and Wilson, M. (eds) Guide To A Healthy Planet. Colchester: University of Essex.
- Mutter, R. (2004) 'Doing the North-South splits: Post-modern Strain on a Pre-modern Institution'. Sociological Research Online, vol. 9, no. 1,
- Eldridge, K. and Mutter, R. (2003) The Reproductive Health Needs of Asylum Seekers aged Fourteen to Nineteen. Colchester: University of Essex, Department of Health and Human Sciences.
- Mutter, R., Judge, N., Flynn, L. and Hennessy, J. (2002). Supporting People Together: Family Group Conference in Mental Health Services – Research Findings and Practice Developments. Chelmsford: North Essex Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust.
- Judge, N., Mutter, R., and Marks, D. (2000). Family Group Conference – Care and Protection: Ongoing Evaluation of Outcomes. Braintree: Essex Social Services FGC Service.
- Judge, N., Mutter, R., Gillett, T., Hennessy J., and Mauger, J., (2002) Restorative Justice Family Group Conference Project: Research Outcomes and Lessons Learned. Chelmsford: Essex County Council.
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