Mr Richard Latham
Principal Lecturer
Department of Engineering & Construction , School Of Architecture, Computing And Engineering
Richard has taught land surveying at UEL for over 25 years. He is the programme leader for the BSc (Hons) Surveying & Mapping Sciences programme, and teaches on the Surveying and the Civil Engineering programmes. He is also the School Leader for quality assurance matters.
Areas Of Interest
- Land Surveying and 3D Data Acquisition including Terrestrial Survey, Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry.
- Representation of 3D survey data in point clouds, terrain and surface models.
- Applications of CAD software for survey data.
- Applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
- Land Surveying and BIM
Richard Latham is the programme leader for the BSc(Hons) Surveying and Mapping Sciences programme.
UEL is one of only two providers of Land Surveying (Geo-Spatial Engineering) undergraduate degree programmes in the UK, and the only one in the southern part. Richard has been the leader of this programme since 1994, and also led programmes in Geographic Information Sciences and in Civil Engineering Surveying (no longer on offer).
Since April 2016, Richard has been the School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering Quality Leader. This role takes overall responsibility for the management and implementation of the University Quality Assurance procedures at School level. Richard has been involved in the University Quality Assurance process since 2003 and, during this period, he has been a member of the School Quality Sub-Committee and has chaired, and been a panel member of, a variety of validation and review panels.
All publications
- Latham R.J., Whiting B.W. (2009) Laser Scanning for Undergraduates Leica Geosystems 3rd Annual Teaching of 3D Laser Scanning Conference, University of Nottingham
- Brown S.G., Lakin P.J., Latham R.J. (2009), Case Study – Use of Video Clips in a Virtual Learning Environment to enhance the learning experience of our students. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Volume XXXVIII-6/W7.
- Whiting B.W., Latham R.J., (2008) Laser Scanning in the Curriculum Leica Geosystems 2nd Annual Teaching of 3D Laser Scanning Conference, University of Birmingham
- Gellatly A.F., Grove J.M., Bücher A., Latham R., Whalley B.W. (1994) Recent Historical Fluctuations of the Glacier Du Taillon, Pyrénées Physical Geography Vol 15 No. 5 pp 399-413
- Gellatly A.F., Grove J.M., Parkinson R.J. Latham R. Observations of the Glaciers in the Southern Maritime Alps (Italy 1994: Revue de Géomorphologie Dynamique Vol XLIII No3 pp 93-107
- Gellatly A.F, Smiraglia C., Grove J.M., Latham R. (1994) Recent Variations of Ghiacciaio Del Calderone, Abruzzi, Italy Journal of Glaciology Vol.40, No.136, ppv486-490
BSc Surveying and Mapping Sciences:
- EG4115 GIS & Mapping
- EG6122 Survey Project Design & Implementation
- Supervise dissertations for EG6110
BEng Civil Engineering:
- EG4104 Construction Technology & Surveying
Previous teaching responsibilities:
BSc Surveying and Mapping Sciences:
- EG5122 Data Acquisition & 3D Modelling
- EG5120 Computer Programming
- SV1032 Quantitative methods
- SV2037 Handling Spatial Information
- SV3038 IT Applications
- SV3035 Geographic Information Management
BEng Civil Engineering:
- CE1305 Introduction to Engineering Surveying
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