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Penny Bernstock

Visiting Professor

Legacy of London 2012; Urban regeneration; Housing Policy; East London regeneration, Gentrification, Inclusive Economies; planning gain. Community led regeneration

Sponsored Accounts , School of Childhood and Social Care

Penny Bernstock was previously Head of Sociology and Social Policy at UEL and Head of Education and Society at UWL and is a social policy and research and evaluation expert. She has written extensively on housing and urban regeneration in East London and is a research and has been commissioned to undertake research and evaluation for a range of organisations on a wide range of topics and is committed to building partnerships between universities and communities.


  • BA (hons) Applied Social Studies with Social Research
  • MSC (Econ) Social Policy and Planning
  • DPhil Social Policy and Administration

Areas Of Interest

  • Urban change
  • Social Policy
  • Social Justice


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