Penny Bernstock
Visiting Professor
Legacy of London 2012; Urban regeneration; Housing Policy; East London regeneration, Gentrification, Inclusive Economies; planning gain. Community led regeneration
Sponsored Accounts , School of Childhood and Social Care
Penny Bernstock was previously Head of Sociology and Social Policy at UEL and Head of Education and Society at UWL and is a social policy and research and evaluation expert. She has written extensively on housing and urban regeneration in East London and is a research and has been commissioned to undertake research and evaluation for a range of organisations on a wide range of topics and is committed to building partnerships between universities and communities.
- BA (hons) Applied Social Studies with Social Research
- MSC (Econ) Social Policy and Planning
- DPhil Social Policy and Administration
Areas Of Interest
- Urban change
- Social Policy
- Social Justice
Penny Bernstock is one of the UK’s leading experts on London’s Olympic Legacy. Her research has been utilised to inform policy. Bernstock has been interviewed by a range of national and international media and participated in a number of debates.
Penny Bernstock is a public sociologist utilising her sociological skills for public good. Her research on affordable housing on London’s QEOP was utilised as an impact case study in REF 2020. She is also working with Citizens UK on an alternative approach to regeneration on London’s QEOP. I.e. a housing and employment inclusion zone informed by the Coin Street regeneration project on London’s South Bank. - This proposal is gaining traction and has now been incorporated into Newham’s Local Plan.
Recent research
- Bernstock, Holt, Humphry, Webb-Huseyin (2024) The impact of inadequate housing on educational experience: A pilot Study in Newham
- Davis, J. Bernstock, P. (2023) From inclusive legacy promises to exclusive realities: Planning, design, and displacement in post-Olympic East London. In: Kaminer, T., Ma, L. and Runting, H. eds. Urbanizing Suburbia: Hyper-Gentrification, the Financialization of Housing, and the Remaking of the Outer European City. Berlin: Jovis Verlag GmbH, pp. 212-235., (10.1515/9783868598735-015
- Bernstock, P, Davis, J, Brownil, S, Melhuish, C, Minton, A, Woodcraft, S. (2022) State of the Legacy: A Decade of Olympic Regeneration, London: UCL State of the Legacy: a decade of Olympic 'regeneration' | UCL Urban Laboratory - UCL – University College London
Single Authored book
- Bernstock, P. (2014) Olympic Housing; A critical review of London’s Legacy, Aldershot, Ashgate
Journal articles
- Penny Bernstock (2013) Tensions and contradictions in London’s inclusive housing legacy, International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 5:2, 154- 171, DOI: 10.1080/19463138.2013.847839
- Lewis, J, with Bernstock, P, Bovell, V. Wookey, F. (1997) with author Implementing Care management in British Journal of Social Work no 1 Feb 1997 pp 5 – `24.
- Bernstock, P, Bovell, V, Lewis, J, (1995) The community Care changes: unresolved tensions in policy and issues in implementation, Journal of Social Policy Jan 1995 Bernstock, P, (1993) The Mixed Economy of Day-care in Tower Hamlets Docklands in Children and Society Vol 7, no 3 1993 pp290 – 30
- Penny Bernstock (2013) Tensions and contradictions in London’s inclusive housing legacy, International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 5:2, 154- 171, DOI: 10.1080/19463138.2013.847839
- Lewis, J, with Bernstock, P, Bovell, V. Wookey, F. (1997) with author Implementing Care management in British Journal of Social Work no 1 Feb 1997 pp 5 – 24.
- Bernstock, P, Bovell, V, Lewis, J, (1995) The community Care changes: unresolved tensions in policy and issues in implementation, Journal of Social Policy Jan 1995 Bernstock, P, (1993) The Mixed Economy of Day-care in Tower Hamlets Docklands in Children and Society Vol 7, no 3 1993 pp290 – 30
Chapters in books
- Bernstock, P, Poynter G (2020) East London Research in Building a Radical University: A History of the University of East London, London, Lawrence, and Wishart
- Watt, P, Bernstock, P. (2017) Legacy for whom: Housing in Post Olympics East London in Watt, P, Cohen, P (2017) A Hollow Crown; Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
- Bernstock, P; Poynter, G, (2012) The housing Crisis in Poynter G., Calcutt A, MacRury (Eds) (2012) London after Recession, a fictitious capital? Aldershot, Ashgate August Bernstock P, (2009`) The Regeneration Game in McCrury I, Poynter, G. (2009) Olympic Cities, Aldershot, Ashgate
- Bernstock, P, (2008) Homing in on Housing: Affordable Housing in Thames Gateway in Cohen, P, Rustin, M, ed. (2008) London’s Turning: The Prospect of Thames Gateway Aldershot, Ashgate
Commissioned reports and other outputs
- Penny Bernstock, Pratimas Singh, Sultana Rouf, Israel Amoah-Norman, Rayhaan Lorgat, and Saffron Woodcraft (2023) Connecting Communities’: Evaluation of a Pilot Project aimed at promoting digital inclusion in the London Borough of Tower Hamlet/UCL/ Institute of Global Prosperity Report 2023 - Connecting Communities.indd (ucl.ac.uk)
- Bernstock, P, Bernstock, K. Jones, I. (2020) London’s Olympic Housing Legacy: Time for a new deal, TELCO/Citizens UK
- Bernstock, P. et al (2019) Evaluation of the Home-Start Slough Initiative, January 2019
- Bernstock, P, Hall, T, Humphry, D, Price, H (2018) Evaluation of the potential for UCL to ensure a meaningful legacy in East London, July 2018
- Bernstock, P, Butler, T, Humphry, D. (2017) Evaluation of Carpenters Road Lock: A Heritage Lottery funded project, London: Centre for East London Studies
- Brownill, S, Yonghua C, Keivan, R, Nase, I, Downing, L, Valler, D and Bernstock, P. (2015) Rethinking Planning Obligations, Balancing housing numbers and Affordability, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Bernstock, P, (2008) Neighbourhood Watch: Building New Communities: learning Lessons from the Thames Gateway, London, Shelter, June Research report - Neighbourhood watch - Shelter England
- Bernstock, P. (1989) Race and Housing in London Docklands, London: Docklands Forum
- Bernstock. P. (1990) The Other Side of Docklands (1991) (youtube.com)
- Co-Chair, Citizens UK, Olympic Strategy Committee
- Research and Evaluation Manager, UNICEF UK
Industry partners
- Member, London Prosperity Board, Institute of Global Prosperity
- Lead, Housing and Employment Inclusion Zone, TELCO/Citizens UK
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