Michael Higgins
PG Dip/MA in Counselling & Psychotherapy
Department of Social Work Counselling & Social Care , School of Childhood and Social Care
Mike is an Integrative Counsellor and Psychotherapist and a qualified Career Coach. His research interests span complex grief, identity development, men and counselling, and the boundaries and overlap between counselling and coaching. He published “Pit Stop: A Career Workbook for Busy People” in 2012.
Mike started his career in consultancy and finance, before qualifying as a Career Coach at Birkbeck, setting up a private practice, and working in outplacement for a decade. To underpin this work, which is bound up with loss, he undertook the Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy himself in 2016 and now has a private practice of both counselling and career coaching.
Outside of UEL, his portfolio includes teaching on the PGDip and Masters in Career Coaching at Birkbeck, running seminars with Masters students in several universities on careers and career choice, as well as running CPD seminars for sole practitioners.
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