Dr Mario Moya
Senior Lecturer/Programme Leader for MA English LanguageTeaching
Senior Lecturer
Principal Fellow of AdvanceHE (PFHEA), Course Leader of the MA in Education (on-campus), Director of Studies, Doctoral Supervisor, Academic Professional Development Mentor and Coach
Department of Education , School of Childhood and Social Care
- BA (Hons) English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
- Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) with Qualified Teacher Status
- Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PgCAP)
- MA in Education
- MA in English Linguistics
- MA in Leadership in Education
- MSc in Educational Psychology
- Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Areas Of Interest
- Academic literacies (reading and writing in Higher Education)
- Language and Cognition
- Neurosciences and second language learning
- English Language Teaching
- Applied Linguistics
- Teacher Training
Mario holds a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) degree awarded by the University of Bedfordshire (UK) where he worked as a Senior Lecturer before joining UEL in 2014. His research focuses on communities of practice in language education, particularly, the development of academic literacies in University settings where English is used as a medium of instruction. He teaches in different undergraduate and postgraduate courses taught at the School of Childhood and Social Care.
Mario is an Educational Consultant at the British Council working alongside government agencies, NGOs, and universities all over the world to design, implement and evaluate English language programmes to promote participation and engagement in Higher Education in developing countries.
Mario is a member of the British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL), the British Educational Research Association (BERA) and the Society for Research in Higher Education (SRHE). He is a Visiting Scholar at Western University, Baku (Azerbaijan), Gothenburg University (Sweden) and Georgetown University (USA). He is a guest lecturer at FASTA University (Mar del Plata, Argentina), where he teaches Educational Research in the BA (Hons) English Language, and actively collaborates with the BA in English Language Teaching at Blas Pascal University (Córdoba, Argentina) in the development of modules concerning positive psychology and education.
Mario has externally examined doctoral theses (PhD and Ed.D.) at:
- The British University in Dubai
- University of Sheffield
- University of Essex
- University of Glasgow
- Universidad de Granada (Spain)
Mario is happy to supervise doctoral projects (PhD or EdD) nationally or internationally.
External roles
- Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Subject Benchmark Statement in Linguistics Advisor
- PhD Supervisor at the University of Nicosia (Cyprus)
- Guest Lecturer at the London School of Jewish Studies (United Kingdom)
- Visiting Scholar at Khazan Federal University (Russian Federation)
- Visiting Scholar at Universidad FASTA (Argentina)Visiting Scholar at Universidad Blas Pascal (Argentina)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of Porta Linguarum, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching (ALLT) Conference – Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Advances in Second/Foreign Language Acquisition (ASeFoLA) Conference – University of Nicosia (Cyprus)
- Reviewer for MexTesol
- Reviewer for the European Conference of Educational Research (ECER)
- Reviewer for the British Association of Educational Research (BERA)
- Visiting lecturer at Universidad Blas Pascal, Córdoba, Argentina
- ED7601 - Second Language Acquisition and ELT
- ED7604 - Applied Research Project in ELT
- ED7605 - Language Awareness for ELT
- ED7606 - Approaches to Teaching and Learning in ELT
- ED7607 - Teaching and Learning in ELT (Independent Negotiated Placement)
- ET7751 - Effective EAL Pedagogy
Browse past publications by year.
Full publications list
Visit the research repository to view a full list of publications
- Using language learning strategies to transform teaching and learning experiences in mainstream classrooms in: Wearmouth, J. and Lindley, K. (ed.) Bringing the Curriculum to Life: Engaging Learners in the English Education System. McGraw Hill, pp.196-210
- Empowering Multilingual Learners through Critical Liberating Literacy Practices in English-dominated Speech Communities in: Neokleous, G., Krulatz, A. and Farrelly, R. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Cultivating Literacy in Diverse and Multilingual Classrooms. IGI Global, pp.210-233
- Un modelo de aprendizaje estratégico para el aprendizaje de idiomas RELEN: Revista Estudios de Lenguas. 2 (1), pp. 19-41
- “Englishing” the L1: Reconsidering the use of the mother tongue EFL classroom in: Zoghbor, Wafa, Al Alami, Suhair and Alexiou, Thomaï (ed.) Proceedings of the Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching Conference 2018: Teaching and Learning in a Globalized World. Zayed University Press, pp.160-174
- An Examination and Analysis of a Learner’s Errors from the Perspective of a Pedagogical Grammar in: Zoghbor, Wafa, Al Alami, Suhair and Alexiou, Thomaï (ed.) Proceedings of the Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching Conference 2018: Teaching and Learning in a Globalized World. Zayed University Press, pp.255-267
- Bilingualism and Multilingualism in Secondary Education (England) Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies (BECS). https://doi.org/10.5040/9781350996274.0005
- Cognitive Apprenticeship and Structured Debriefing as Tools to develop Reflective Practice in Initial Teacher Training Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics. 03 (01), pp. 05-13