Professor Julia Davidson
Executive Director of Research
Department of Law & Criminology , School Of Psychology
Professor of Criminology and Director of the Institute for Connected Communities. She is one of the UK's foremost experts on policy and practice in the area of CSA and CSE and online harms. She is Chair of the UK Council for Internet Safety Evidence Group and provides expert advice to international and national organisations such as the Technology Coalition, UNICEF, the US Sentencing Commission, and the UN ITU, the Home Office, DCMS, she is a member of the Europol EC3 Expert Academic Advisory Group and is the Chair of the Research Ethics Committee to the Independent Inquiry into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse, having acted as an Academic Advisor to the Inquiry since it began in 2017.
- PhD Social Policy (2002) London School of Economics and Political Science
- MSc Criminal justice policy (1988) London School of Economics and Political Science
- BA (Hons) Sociology and Professional Studies 2:1 (1987) East London University (NELPS)
Areas Of Interest
- Online harms
- Online safety
- Cybercrime
- Serious offending
Professor Julia Davidson OBE, PhD (LSE) is the Director of the Institute of Connected Communities.
Professor of Criminology and Director of the Institute for Connected Communities. She is one of the UK's foremost experts on policy and practice in the area of CSA and CSE and online harms.
She is Chair of the UK Council for Internet Safety Evidence Group and provides expert advice to international and national organisations such as the Technology Coalition, UNICEF, the US Sentencing Commission, and the UN ITU, the Home Office, DCMS. She is a member of the Europol EC3 Expert Academic Advisory Group and is the Chair of the Research Ethics Committee to the Independent Inquiry into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse, having acted as an Academic Advisor to the Inquiry since it began in 2017.
She has directed a considerable amount of national and international research spanning 35 years and is currently co-leading an H2020 project exploring the human and technical drivers of cybercrime and is working with OFCOM to develop a child online risk taxonomy for VSPs in the context of the forthcoming UK online harms legislation. She has also acted as an advisor on child internet safety and children online to governments and practitioners in the MENA region, South America and has recently worked with the Rwandan government to develop a child online protection policy (implemented 6/2019). She has been awarded a substantial amount of research funding over the last ten years from funders including the ESRC, the EU (Safer Internet, EC ISEC and H2020), the Home Office, DCMS, Charities and NGOs. She was awarded an OBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours in 2020 for services to Internet Safety.
Prof Davidson has 30 years' experience in directing large-scale research projects and programmes and is currently co-directing an EC H2020 study exploring young people's pathways into cybercrime and the human and technical drivers of cybercrime undertaken in collaboration with partners in 8 EU countries (5 million euro). This research is supported by the EC3 and Interpol (CC Driver).
She has recently directed a study for the UK Government (DCMS) exploring adult online harms in the context of the White Paper (Davidson et al 2019) and has worked on research exploring the development of the safety technology sector in the UK (2020).
She is currently also co-leading a study funded by OFCOM developing a taxonomy of online risks to guide the work of video service providers in the context of the forthcoming UK online harms legislation.
- A study exploring child online protection (COP) in Rwanda which led to the development of a COP policy and five-year implementation plan (adopted by the Rwandan Government in 2019) in collaboration with 5Rights Foundation.
- EC H2020 study exploring young people's pathways into cybercrime and the human and technical drivers of cybercrime undertaken in collaboration with partners in 8 EU countries (5 million euros), this research is supported by the EC3 and Interpol (CC Driver-, completion 5/23.
- A study for the UK Government(DCMS) exploring adult online harms in the context of the White Paper ( Davidson et al 2019
- Research exploring the development of the safety technology sector in the UK (2020-,
- A study funded by OFCOM developing a taxonomy of online risks to guide the work of video service providers in the context of the forthcoming UK online harms legislation completion 2/21
Peer reviewed articles and reports
- Davidson, J., Farr, R.,. Phillips, K., & Aiken, M., (2022 forthcoming) Cybercrime Expert Interviews - Understanding Youth Cybercriminality and Delinquency - A Literature Review Victims and Offenders.
- Aiken, M., Davidson, J., Walrave, M., Farr, R., & Phillips (2022 forthcoming) Juvenile Cyber Delinquency and Criminality: Towards a Theory of Planned Behaviour of Cyber Crime (TPBCC)" Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace.
- Phillips, K., Davidson, J., Farr, R., & Aiken M., (2021 forthcoming) Conceptualising Cybercrime: Definitions, Typologies and Taxonomies Journal of Criminal Investigation and Criminal and Forensic Sciences.
- *Martellozzo, E., Davidson, J., & DeMarco J., (2020) 'Child sexual abuse offending typology development'. Home Office Publication.
- Martellozzo E.,, Davidson J., & Monaghan A., (2020) "Rewards and risks: Exploring the changing nature of children's online usage in the Kingdom of Bahrain". International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics.
- Davidson, J, Schimmenti A, Caretti V, Puccia A, Corbari E, Bogaerts S, Schilder J, Scally M, Bifulco A, DeMarco J (2019), Child Online Protection: Policing and Industry Collaboration in the Prevention and the Investigation of Online Child Sexual Abuse in Bryce, I., & Petherick, W. (2019). Childhood Sexual Abuse: Forensic Issues in Evidence, Impact, and Management. US: Academic Press/Elsevier
- Davidson, J., Kidron, B. & Phillips, K., 2019. Child Online Protection in Rwanda, London: University of East London and 5Rights Foundation.
- Davidson, J., Livingstone, S., Jenkins, S., Gegowski, A., Choak, C., Ike, T. & Phillips K (2019) 'Adult online hate, harassment and abuse: A rapid evidence assessment' UK Gov, Published by UKCIS and the DCMS.
- Martellozzo, Elena, Andrew Monaghan, Davidson, Julia and Adler, Joanna R. (2019) Researching the effects that online pornography has on UK adolescents aged eleven-to-sixteen. SAGE Open . ISSN 2158-2440
- Aiken Mary, Davidson Julia & Amann Philippe (2017) 'Youth pathways into cybercrime' Industry White Paper
- Jeffrey DeMarco, Julia Davidson, Stefan Bogaerts, Ugo Pace, Mary Aiken, Vincenzo Caretti, Adriano Schimmenti, and Antonia Bifulco (2017) Digital dangers and cyber victimisation: A study of European adolescent online risky behaviour for sexual exploitation. Clinical Neuropsychiatry (2017) 14, 1, 104-112
- Livingstone, S, Davidson J & Bryce, J (2017) 'Children's online activities, risks and safety' DCMS Report
- Davidson, J and Hamerton, C (2022 - forthcoming) 'International Perspectives on Child Online Victimisation' Routledge
- *Davidson, J and Bifulco, A. (2018) 'Child abuse & child protection: Research, policy and practice' Routledge (foreword by Prof Jenny Pearce)
- Webster, S., Davidson, J & Bifulco, A 'Online Offending Behaviour and Child Victimisation: New findings and Policy' Palgrave (2014)
- *Davidson, J and Gottschalk, P 'Online Groomers Profiling, Policing and Prevention' Russell House (2010)
- Davidson, J and Gottschalk, P (Eds) (2010) 'Internet Child Abuse: Current Research, Policy & Practice' Routledge (7/2010)
- Davidson, J. (3/2008) 'Child Sexual Abuse, Media Representation and Government Reactions' (Series Eds D. Downes and P. Rock, London School of Economics) Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-90438569-1 (4th book in social policy series)
Recent Grants 2016-21
- 5/2020-5/23 H2020 (CC Driver) Exploring the drivers of cybercrime (5 million euros)
- 11/2018- 05/2019 End Violence Against Children Development of child online protection policy and implementation plan for The Govt of Rwanda. PI Prof Davidson with 5Rights(Baroness Beeban Kidron) $180.000:
- 9/2018- 04/2019 Department of Culture, Media & Sport UK Council for Internet Safety Rapid Evidence Assessment Adult online harms ( report to inform white paper on Internet safety). PI Prof Davidson £60,000:
- 7/2018- 6/2019 Centre of Expertise in Child Abuse/Home Office Exploring the context of CSA and CSE offending. Co-PI Prof Davidson £340,000: 2/2016- 12/2017 Europol EC3 & Private investor (VC ) Pathways into financial cybercrime amongst young people, Co-PI Prof Julia Davidson $100,000
- 3/2016-12/2016 European Commission ISEC fund – Exploration of policing and industry practice in addressing online child abuse. PI Prof Davidson. £670,000
- 2018-19 WeProtect? development of a child online protection policy in Rwanda $140,000
- 2018-19 Centre of Expertise in Child Abuse/Home Office Developing a typology of sex offender behaviour £340,000
- 2018-19 DCMS Rapid Evidence Assessment of Adult Online Harms £60,000
- 2017- Europol EC3 & Private investor (VC) Pathways into financial cybercrime amongst young people $100,000
Cybercrime, online harms, research methods.
PhD enquiries are welcome in these areas.
- Chair of the UK Council for Internet Safety Evidence Group
- Chair of the Independent Inquiry into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Research Ethics Committee
- Academic Advisor to the Europol Cybercrime Centre (EC3)
- Advisor (research) to the Technology Coalition.
The last four years of publications can be viewed below.
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