Iona Burrell

Dr Iona Burnell Reilly

Senior Lecturer

Sociology of Education; Teacher Training

Department of Early Childhood & Education , School Of Education And Communities

My academic interests are in the field of Sociology of Education where I have been lecturing, researching and supervising for many years. I recently joined the Teacher Education and Training team as Course Leader for the Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. My teaching experience and background is in Further Education, where I taught English Language (ESOL) and Access courses at an inner London college for 10 years before moving into Higher Education. I continue to supervise, examine, research, write and publish on topics related to the Sociology and Psychology of Education.


  • EdD Doctor of Education. University of Sheffield.
  • MSc Positive Psychology and Coaching. University of East London.
  • MA Education: Culture, Language and Identity. Goldsmiths College, University of London.
  • BA (Hons) Linguistics (upper second class). University of East London.
  • HEA (Higher Education Academy) Senior Fellow.
  • PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) PCET. University of Greenwich.
  • CELTA (Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults).

Areas Of Interest

My interests, and topics covered in my publications, are:

  • social class, social inequality and inequality in education;
  • widening participation in higher education;
  • equality and inclusion within HE;
  • the experiences of the working class in HE.


The last four years of publications can be viewed below. 

Full publications list

Visit the research repository to view a full list of publications

  • Hudson, A., Burnell, I. and Murray, D. (2020)

    The Place of Widening Participation in: Broadhead, S., Butcher, J., Davison, E., Fowle, W., Hill, M., Martin, L., McKendry, S., Norton, F., Raven, N., Sanderson, B. and Wynn Williams, S. (ed.) Delivering the Public Good of Higher Education – Widening Participation, Place and Lifelong Learning. FACE: Forum for Access and Continuing Education

    Book chapter