Hebba Haddad

Dr Hebba Haddad

Senior Lecturer in Environmental Psychology

Senior Lecturer

Environmental psychology; Sustainability Research Institute

Department of Psychology & Human Development , School of Childhood and Social Care

Hebba is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Psychology. She is the Course Leader for the BSc (Hons) Environmental Psychology undergraduate degree at UEL. She leads on the environmental psychology modules: Principles and Practices for Environmental Psychology (Level 5) and Psychological Approaches to Environmental Sustainability (Level 6). She is also the Module Leader for the BPS core module, Applications of Psychobiology and Social Psychology. Hebba splits her time between UEL's School of Psychology and Sustainability Research Institute (SRI). With SRI she is currently conducting research evaluating the perceptions and performance of retrofit Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and Eastern New Energy (ENE), focusing on low/zero carbon actions and local economic development.

Areas Of Interest

  • Environmental psychology
  • Travel behaviour
  • Psychological and social dimensions of transport, health and the environment
  • Risk perception and risk communication (particularly uncertainty, trust and language)
  • Perceived barriers / facilitators to engaging with climate change and air pollution
  • Mixed methods to psychological research


The last four years of publications can be viewed below. 

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