Headshot of Hebba Haddad widely smiling, in an outdoor green space, on a sunny day.

Dr Hebba Haddad

Senior Lecturer in Environmental Psychology

Senior Lecturer

Environmental Psychology

Department of Psychology & Human Development , School of Childhood and Social Care

Hebba is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Psychology. Her research focusses on the psychological and social dimensions of transport, wellbeing and the environment. She collaborates with colleagues across UEL, including the Sustainability Research Institute (SRI). Hebba leads on the environmental psychology modules: Psychology and the Environment (Level 5) and Psychological Approaches to Environmental Sustainability (Level 6).

Areas Of Interest

  • Environmental psychology
  • Psychological and social dimensions of transport, health and the environment
  • Risk perception and risk communication
  • Mixed methods
  • Innovative methods in teaching, such as VR and applied improv


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