DR Hanna Kampman (staff)
Module Leader and Lecturer
Positive Psychology
Department of Psychology & Human Development , School of Childhood and Social Care
Dr Hanna Kampman works as a Programme Director and senior lecturer in the MSc Applied Positive Psychology programme.
Areas Of Interest
- Post traumatic growth, sports, and acquired physical impairments
- Trauma informed sports coaching
- The role of physical activity, green and blue exercise, and sports in wellbeing
- The role of the body in wellbeing and positive psychology
Dr Hanna Kampman is an enthusiastic happiness intervention from Finnish Lapland. Her love for nature and moving is deeply rooted in the forests and lakes of Lapland. She works as a senior lecturer and module leader in the Masters in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (MAPPCP) programme in UEL.
In her PhD, Dr Kampman focused on understanding the role of team sports in post traumatic growth in athletes with acquired physical impairments. Other areas of interest are the role of physical activity, green and blue exercise, sports, and the embodiment in well-being.
Dr Kampman is also a UEL alumnus as she has graduated with an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology from UEL. She achieved her bachelor's degree in sports and leisure from Lapland University of Applied Sciences - where she specialised in holistic sports coaching. In London, Dr Kampman has worked closely with the 'Olympic Legacy' and 'New Life Through Sports' - projects based in the London Borough of Hackney. Utilising both exercise and positive psychology expertise in different areas of service user rehabilitation, she has brought the UEL expertise to the wider community in London.
Dr Kampman is researching post traumatic growth, sports, and acquired physical impairments. Particularly, aiming to bring trauma-informed practises into adaptive sport environments. Other areas of interest are the role of physical activity, green and blue exercise, sports, and the embodiment in well-being.
Hanna works as a module leader on the Perspectives on Individual Wellbeing module, covering variety of topics from wellbeing to physical activity and posttraumatic growth.
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Full publications list
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- ‘She kinda revives me’: exploring how moments with nature may enable growth experiences in the aftermath of trauma European Journal of Ecopsychology. 9, pp. 112-157
- ‘Me, The Sea, Feeling Good’: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Exploring the Experience of Looking Out to Sea American Journal of Qualitative Research. 8 (4), pp. 189-213. https://doi.org/10.29333/ajqr/15596
- A New Lens on Improving Physical Health with Psychological Interventions: A Systematic Review Journal of Happiness and Health. 3 (2), pp. 49-92. https://doi.org/10.47602/johah.v3i2.46
- “A Little Superpower That I Know is There”: Exploring the Meaning and Role of Prāṇāyāma in the Wellbeing of Adults in Mid-life American Journal of Qualitative Research. 7 (2), pp. 113-146. https://doi.org/10.29333/ajqr/13080
- Exploring the Experiences of Coaches Working on the Edge: Trauma, Posttraumatic Growth, and Coaching European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. 7 (4), pp. 1-17
- Adventure, Posttraumatic Growth, and Wisdom in: Reid, P. and Brymer, E. (ed.) Adventure Psychology: Going Knowingly into the Unknown. Routledge
- Playing for Resilience in a Pandemic; Exploring the Role of an Online Board Game in Recognising Resources International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. 8, pp. 45-77. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41042-022-00069-z
- A Meaning in Life Intervention: Setting Personal Goals and Reviewing Life Story Increases Positive Affect International Journal of Existential Positive Psychology. 11 (2)
- How to Prepare for Adversity in: Van Nieuwerburgh, C. and William, P. (ed.) From Surviving to Thriving: A Student's Guide to Feeling and Doing Well at University. SAGE
- How does social support shape the relationship between career calling and PERMA? European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. 6 (4), pp. 1-15
- ‘Food Was My Medicine, My Medicine to Recovery And Healing’ - A Phenomenological Study of Posttraumatic Growth through Positive Nutrition American Journal of Qualitative Research. 6 (2), pp. 148-173. https://doi.org/10.29333/ajqr/12133
- “It didn't bring back the old me but helped me on the path to the new me”: exploring posttraumatic growth in British veterans with PTSD Disability and Rehabilitation. 44 (24), pp. 7455-7463. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2021.1995056
- Exploring the psychology of extended-period expeditionary adventurers: Going knowingly into the unknown Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 46 (Art. 101608). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.101608
- Taking an Embodied Approach to Posttraumatic Growth Research and Sport in: Wadey, R., Day, M. and Howells, K. (ed.) Growth Following Adversity in Sport: A Mechanism to Positive Change. Routledge
- ‘Find a sport and carry on’: Posttraumatic growth and achievement in British Paralympic athletes International Journal of Wellbeing. 10 (1), pp. 67-92. https://doi.org/10.5502/ijw.v10i1.765