Dr Gulnar Ali
Senior Lecturer
Department of Social Work Counselling & Social Care , School of Childhood and Social Care
- PhD (2013-2017) Integrating Spirituality into Nursing Education, University of Huddersfield, UK
- MSc (2006-2007) Medical Anthropology, UCL, UK
- MA (2000-2002) Islamic Studies, University of Karachi, UK
- Diploma in Gen. Nursing (1995-1998) Diploma in Gen Nursing, Aga Khan University, SONAM, Karachi, Pakistan.
Areas Of Interest
- Spirituality and Existential Health
- Mental Health Nursing
- Palliative Care
- Transformative Learning
- Evidence and Values based practice.
Research centre: Spirituality, Healing and Existential Care
Dr Gulnar Ali diligently blends ontological and humanistic perspectives to mental health and well-being. With a particular interest in the ontological aspect of human phenomenon, Gulnar's professional background ranges a wide spectrum of teaching, clinical practice and research experience in Spirituality, Psychiatry, Medical Anthropology, Nursing Philosophy and Islamic studies.
She is passionate about expanding the notion of healing and mental well-being through authenticity. Currently, she is involved in teaching undergraduate/postgraduate courses, doctoral research supervision, education management, module leadership, research consultation, project evaluation, counselling and mentoring projects. As a researcher, Dr Ali is actively engaged in writing and reviewing research grant bids on COVID-19 with national and international nursing universities.
Her research interest and publications are majorly aimed at ontological reasoning to bring further innovation in self-care approaches through professional authenticity and empowerment. With a vision to bring transformation in nursing education, Gulnar is keen to develop pedagogical structures that could embrace spiritual and existential care aspects.
Based on her PhD research (2013-2017), she has developed a reflective framework: SOPHIE (Self-Exploration through Ontological, Phenomenological, Humanistic, Ideological and Existential Expressions). SOPHIE has been recognised as a practice methodology, to embrace spiritual care aspects in health education and practice.
Dr Ali will be assisting in teaching and research supervision in Psychological Perspectives and Community work. She will also collaborate with the research team in developing global health research grant projects.
Grant Awards and Global Research Projects
- Whispering Silence: On Self-reflection and Healing. British Research Festival, British Science Association. Small funding award for outstanding proposal. Sept 11-15, 2024. PI- Dr. Gulnar Ali
- SWAN- Self-healing and Well-being interventions through Existential Advocacy and Narrative inquiry- Applying SOPHIE as a practice methodology. A Mixed Method Pilot Study on Post-natal Mothers Across East London, UK (2024). Seed Grant Award, EDUCOM- UEL. PI: Dr Gulnar Ali- University of East London, UK; Co-I: Ruksana Beigi; Dr Angie Voela - UEL, UK; Dr Nasreen Lalani- Purdue University US, Dr Kawther Hamash, Kennesaw State University, USA; Dr Salima Sulaiman- Brock University, Canada. Collaborator: Dr Gulnar Virani- Cork University Ireland, Bart Health NHS Trust, UK.
- Promoting Resilience and Post-traumatic Growth in Cancer Survivors and their carers, using SOPHIE as therapeutic intervention (2024-2025). PI: Dr Kawther Hamash- Kennesaw University, USA. Co.I: Dr Gulnar Ali, UEL, UK. Dr Nasreen Lalani, Purdue University, USA.
- Exploring Mental Health Professionals' and Mental Health Service Users' perceptions of spirituality and the concepts of spirituality. A Global study across Canada, the United States of America, Malta and Australia (2024-2025). PI: Dr Patricia Carlisle - Queen's University Belfast Northern Ireland, Dr Melanie Rogers, University of Huddersfield, UK. Collaborator: Dr Gulnar Ali, UEL.
- Advanced Practice Nurses’ Perceptions of Spirituality - A Global Study (2021-2024). Investigators: Dr Gulnar Ali- UEL, Professor Melanie Rogers, University of Huddersfield, UK. CN NP/APN Network and several universities across the globe. RAs: Yolanda Edo Figas and Kati Tikkanen. Funded by: Impact Case Study Grant Award, EDUCOM - UEL.
- Mentoring in health care practice education (2021-2024). Investigators: Mehtab Jaffer, Dr Nagham Rizwi, Dr Saleema Gulzar, Dr Tazeen Ali. Aga Khan University, Pakistan. Collaborators: Dr Gulnar Ali, Dr Michael Snowden and Dr Jamie Halsall from the University of Huddersfield, UK.
- SWAN- Self-healing and Well-being interventions through Existential Advocacy and Narrative inquiry- Using SOPHIE as practice methodology (Dec-March 2023). Project Lead/Investigator: Dr Gulnar Ali- Collaborative Partners/RAs: Sonia Esperanza Quintero, Kati Tikkanen, Yolanda Edo Figas, Aracely Ines Jimenez. Funded by: Knowledge Exchange Award, UEL.
- Intentionality and Healingv- INSS international conference on Spirituality in Professional Practices, Ireland (May 2023). Funded by: Research Impact and Innovation Award, EDUCOM - UEL.
- WINGS: Wellness Interventions for Nurses' post-traumatic Growth and Self-care: A pilot study at Purdue University, USA (2021-2023). Investigators: Dr Gulnar Ali, Dr Nasreen Lalani, Purdue University, USA. Collaborators: Dr Kawther Hamash- Kennesaw University, USA; Dr Georgia L Lockwood-Estrin, Dr Mustansar Ghazanfar; RA: Aracely Ines Jimenez, University of East London, UK. Funded by: American Psychiatric Nursing Association (APNA), USA and Seed Grant Award - EDUCOM, UEL.
- Approaching spiritual and existential care needs in health education: Applying SOPHIE (Self-exploration through Ontological, Phenomenological, Humanistic, Ideological, and Existential Expressions), as practice methodology. PI, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, London, (June 2019 - July 2020).
- Low Birthweight in Newham: Definitions, Antecedents and Prevention- UCL partners project with Newham Clinical Commissioning Group. Research Assistant, University of East London (Nov 16 - June 2017).
- Multiple Case Studies Exploring Integration of Spirituality in Undergraduate Nursing Education in England. PhD research project, University of Huddersfield (Jan 2013 - Nov 2017).
UEL research repository outputs
Research Centre: Spirituality, Healing and Existential Care
International Conferences and Webinars/CPD sessions
- Ali, G. (2024). Whispering Silence: On Self-reflection and Healing. British Science Festival, London, UK.
- Lalani, N., Ali, G., Foli, K., & Hamash, K. (2024) WINGS: Wellness Interventions for Nurses’ growth and Self-care [Poster and infographic Presentation]. British Science Festival, London, UK.
- Ali, G. (2024). Healing and Mental Wellbeing, KEF, UEL. Circle Group, ELJK community, Feb 08.
- Ali, G. (2023). Beyond Silence- On Spirituality, Existential Care and Healing- Catalysing Connections Research Conference, UEL. Nov 24, 2023.
- Lalani, N., Ali, G., Foli, K., & Hamash, K. (2023). WINGS: Wellness Interventions for Nurses’ Growth and Self-care [Poster Presentation]. APNA 37th annual conference Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. https://www.apna.org/apna-annual-conference/ October 4-7.
- Ali, G.; Lalani N. & Hamash, K. (2023). WINGS: Wellness Interventions for Nurses’ Growth and Self-care - Dissemination Event. UEL. July 20.
- Ali, G. (2023). Beyond Trauma- Showcasing a few success stories and current research studies, applying SOPHIE as a narrative enquiry practice methodology, Rush University, Sigma Gamma Phi Chapter. June 08, 2023. Invited speaker
- Ali, G. (2023). Intentionality and Healing - Applying SOPHIE as a Reflexive Practice in Higher Education. The Seventh International Conference of the International Network for the Study of Spirituality on Spirituality, Critical Reflection and Professional Practice in an Uncertain World, 16 May – 18 May 2023, at South East Technological University, Waterford, Ireland.
- Ali, G. (2022). Embracing the untouched- On Compassionate presence and Selfcare. Delta Omicron Chapter-Sigma on Nov 15, 2022. Invited Speaker
- Research Delegate: Enhancing Social Enterprise through Total Quality Framework (TFQ) Sept 30, 2022. University of Huddersfield, UK. Invited.
- Ali, G. (2022). Research presentation: Meaning Making and Reflexive Practices. UEL Learning Symposium on Sept 16, 2022.
- Ali, G. (2021). Research presentation: Integrating Ontology and Spirituality in Nursing Education. STTI - 46th Biennial Convention - US on Nov 7, 2021.
Editorial Responsibilities
- Invited Reviewer: Journal for the Study of Spirituality, July 2023.
- Invited Reviewer: Global Qualitative Nursing Research, SAGE. 2021
- Invited reviewer for Research Grant Proposal for COVID-19, Rho Delta-Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society of Nursing, Aga Khan University, Pakistan on June 25, 2020.
- Reviewer: Nurse Education Today, UK 2016-2017.
- Fellow Royal Society for Public Health, UK (FRSPH) Oct 2019 - 2022.
- Master Practitioner - European Mentoring and Coaching Council, UK (EMCC) Sept 2020 - 2022.
- Fellow Higher Education Academy UK (FHEA) June 2018 - To date.
- Fellow Royal Society for Public Health, UK (FRSPH) Oct 2019 - To date.
- Master Practitioner - European Mentoring and Coaching Council, UK (EMCC) Sept
2020 - present. - Nurse Leader - The Honour Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International Rho Delta Chapter, Aga Khan University, Pakistan-Dec 2010 -To date
- Member - Enhancing Nurses Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care (EPICC) - European Spirituality in Nursing and Midwifery Research Network, Staffordshire University, UK (July 2018 - To date).
- Spirituality Special Interest Group, University of Huddersfield, UK - Jan 2013 - To date.
- Member, British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) - April 2019-2020
- Accredited Trainer - Race Equality and Culture Competency, by Ferns Associates Ltd and East London NHS Trust, UK - Aug 2009.
Browse past publications by year.
Full publications list
Visit the research repository to view a full list of publications
- Spirituality and mental health-applying SOPHIE as a therapeutic reflexive tool Reflective Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/14623943.2025.2452566
- Spiritually Competent Practice and Cultural Aspects of Spirituality in: Rogers, M. (ed.) Spiritual Dimensions of Advanced Practice Nursing: Stories of Hope. Springer, pp.23-42
- Self-Care in: McSherry, W., Boughey, A. and Attard, J. (ed.) Enhancing Nurses’ and Midwives’ Competence in Providing Spiritual Care: Through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care. Springer, pp.57-76
- Global APN Case Study in Spirituality: Stories of Hope from Pakistan in: Rogers, M. (ed.) Spiritual Dimensions of Advanced Practice Nursing: Stories of Hope. Springer, pp.181-194
- Restoring the Balance in: Higgs, J., Orrell, J., Tasker, D. and Patton, N. (ed.) Shaping Wise Futures: A Shared Responsibility . BRILL, pp.97-116
- Methodological and ethical challenges while conducting qualitative research on spirituality and end of life in a Muslim context: a guide to novice researchers International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 26 (7), pp. 362-370. https://doi.org/10.12968/ijpn.2020.26.7.362
- Approaching Spiritual and Existential Care Needs in Health Education: Applying SOPHIE (Self-Exploration through Ontological, Phenomenological, and Humanistic, Ideological, and Existential Expressions), as Practice Methodology Religions. 11 (Art. 451). https://doi.org/10.3390/rel11090451
- Bringing Spirituality and Wisdom into Practice in: Higgs, J. (ed.) Practice Wisdom: Values and Interpretations. BRILL, pp.155-168
- SOPHIE (Self-Exploration Through Ontological, Phenomenological, Humanistic, Ideological and Existential Expressions): A Mentoring Framework in: Snowden, M. and Halsall, J. (ed.) Mentorship, Leadership, and Research: Their Place within the Social Science Curriculum. Springer, pp.107-116