Gulnar Ali

Dr Gulnar Ali

Senior Lecturer

Department of Social Sciences , School Of Education And Communities


  • PhD (2013-2017) Integrating Spirituality into Nursing Education, University of Huddersfield, UK
  • MSc (2006-2007) Medical Anthropology, UCL, UK
  • MA (2000-2002) Islamic Studies, University of Karachi, UK
  • Diploma in Gen. Nursing (1995-1998) Diploma in Gen Nursing, Aga Khan University, SONAM, Karachi, Pakistan.

Areas Of Interest

  • Spirituality and Existential Health
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Palliative Care
  • Transformative Learning
  • Evidence and Values based practice.

Research centre: Spirituality, Healing and Existential Care


The last four years of publications can be viewed below. 

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