Dr Evgenia Theodotou
Senior Lecturer In Early Childhood Studies
Senior Lecturer
Literacy skills in early years settings
Department of Education , School of Childhood and Social Care
Dr Evgenia Theodotou is a senior lecturer in early childhood studies and a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
- BA, MA, MSc, PhD
- Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), Department for Education, UK
- Senior Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
- Professional Development Course of External Examiners from AdvanceHE
Areas Of Interest
- Arts in the early years settings to promote learning
- Creative ways to promote literacy in the early years settings
- Motives in the teaching and learning process
- Learning theories and practical application
- Creativity and creative thinking in teaching and learning
- New technologies in education
Dr Evgenia Theodotou is a senior lecturer in early childhood studies at the School of Childhood and Social Care at the University of East London and a senior fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
She has been an external examiner for undergraduate degrees and research degrees in a few universities since 2016 and a programme leader for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees since 2012. She holds a 1st class diploma in Infant and Child Care Assistant from Sivitanidios College, a first-class BA in Early Childhood Education and Care from the University (TEI) of Athens, an MA in Education from Durham University and an MSc in Teaching Technology and Digital Systems with Distinction from the University of Piraeus.
Her PhD is from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in the research area of "Literacy skills in the early years settings" and she was awarded a Distinction.
She has more than ten years of professional experience as a head teacher in early years settings and she has been teaching in higher education as a lecturer/visiting lecturer in early childhood studies since 2010.
Her research activity is focused on literacy, the arts, creativity and technology-enhanced learning. She has participated in several research projects and published her research in international conferences, journals, edited books and monographs. She is the author of "When I Play I Learn...and I Better Understand" from Delta publications and of "Creativity in the Era of New Technologies" from Kritiki publications.
She has been a member of several scientific review committees and organised several special sessions at international conferences.
External roles
School Governance
- 2024-2028: Parent Governor at Amadeus Primary Academies Trust, Castilion Primary School
External Examining (Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees)
- 2024-2028 External Examiner at Liverpool John Moores University MA Leadership in Education
- 2024: External examiner (panel member) at NCFE CACHE Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQ) in Early
- 2024: External examiner (panel member) at Cambridge Access Validating Agency (CAVA) for Access to HE Diploma in Childhood Studies at Harlow College
- May 2018-Aug 2018: External Examiner (Panel member) at Open University at the Revalidation of FD and BA (Hons) Early Years 'Top Up' at Calderdale College
- Mar 2018-Jun 2018: External Examiner (Panel member) at Open University at the Validation of BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies 'Top Up' at New College Durham
- 2016-2020: Module External Examiner at Staffordshire University, UK
- 2016-2020: Award External Examiner for BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies at Staffordshire University, UK
- 2020-2024: External Examiner at Plymouth Marjon University, UK BA Childhood Practice, BA Early Childhood Studies PGDip EY ITT/MA Early Years
- 2020-2024: External Examiner at Bath Spa University, UK, FdA Early Years, FdA Early Childhood Studies
External Examining (Research degrees)
- Oct 2024: External Examiner in PhD viva for Unicaf University, Zambia Campus, Programme EdD- Doctor of Education
- Jan 2024 - External Examiner in PhD viva for Unicaf University, Zambia Campus, Programme Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Education Education
- Nov 2023 - External Examiner in PhD viva for Unicaf University, Malawi Campus, Programme EdD - Doctorate of Education
- Nov 2023 - External Examiner in PhD viva for Unicaf University, Zambia Campus, Programme Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - Education
- May 2018: External Examiner in PhD viva for Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Italian Language and Literature
- June 2019: External Examiner in MA viva for European University Cyprus, School of Humanities, Social and Education Sciences
- Sept 2021 External Examiner in MA viva for University of Ioannina, Department of Primary Education, School of Education
Internal Examining (Research degrees)
- Jul 2024- Internal examiner in EdD Viva for the University of East London, School of Childhood and Social Care
- Nov 2018: Child-led art projects for social literacy development in the early years settings. 3rd MA Research Conference 'Inspiring Early Career Researchers', University of East London
Participation in Scientific Review Committee in International Journals
- Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Language and Culture in Education.
- June 2023 - Member of the editorial advisory board of Norland Educare Research Journal.
- Member of the editorial board of Continuing Professional Education: Theory and Practice.
- Member of the editorial advisory board of the 'Journal of Global Education and Research'.
- Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Public Administration and Management.
- Reviewer for Heliyon Journal (Elsevier).
- Reviewer for Athens Journal of Education.
- Reviewer to Impact Journal.
- Reviewer for the Athens Journal of Social Sciences.
- Reviewer for the Journal of Early Childhood Literacy.
- Reviewer for the Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood journal.
Participation in Scientific Review Committee in International Conferences
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of ‘Neos Paidagogos’ organised by the Ministry of Education of Greece, 11-12 May 2019, Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece.
- Member of the Technical Committee of the 5th International Conference on Computer and Technology Applications (ICCTA), Istanbul, Turkey. Available at http://www.iccit.org/
- Member of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference for the Promotion of Education Innovation, University of Thessaly, Greece. Available at https://synedrio.eepek.gr/en/committees/scientific-committee
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of 'BERA2018', University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of 'Neos Pedagogos' organised by the Ministry of Education of Greece, 28-29 April 2018, Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of '23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems' (AMCIS2017) in 'IS in Education, IS Curriculum, Education and Teaching Cases' (SIGED) in special mini track 'Usage of Simulations, Educational Games and Gamification in Education', 10-12 August 2017, Boston, USA https://amcis2017.aisnet.org/submissions/track-descriptions/#toggle-id-15
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of 'BERA2017', University of Sussex, Brighton, UK.
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of ‘Neos Paidagogos’ organised by the Ministry of Education of Greece, 1-2 April 2017, Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece.
- Member of the Conference Committee of the '3rd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology' (ICCIT) organised by Gazi University, 12-14 April 2017 Kusadasi, Turkey http://www.iccta.net/
- Member of the Program Committee of 'The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics' (AISI) organised by Scientific Research Group in Egypt (SRGE), 24-26 October 2016 Cairo, Egypt
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of '7th International Conference on Networking and Information Technology' (ICNIT, 2016), 15-17 October, 2016, Warsaw, Poland http://www.icnit.org/committee.html
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of '22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems' (AMCIS2016) in SIGED 'IS in Education, IS Curriculum, Education and Teaching Cases' in special mini track 'Usage of Simulations, Educational Games and Gamification in Education', 11-13 August 2016, San Diego, USA
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of "2nd Panhellenic Conference on Lifelong Learning-Adult Education, Community Empowerment and Further Training of Educators" organised by Polytechnic University of Crete, 3-5 June 2016, Crete, Greece.
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of "Education in the era of ICT" organised by the Ministry of Education of Greece, 5-6 November 2016, Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece.
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of "Neos Paidagogos" organised by the Ministry of Education of Greece, 16-17 April 2016, Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece. http://neospaidagogos.gr/
- Member of the Technical Program Committee of The 1st International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics (AISI) organised by Beni Suef University, 28-30 2015 Benisuef, Egypt
- Member of the Reviewing Committee of "Education in the era of ICT" organised by the Ministry of Education of Greece, 7-8 November 2015, Eugenides Foundation, Athens, Greece.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of "International Academic Conference on Social Sciences" (IACSS) organised by The International Institute for Academic Development, 25-26 July, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of "1st Panhellenic Conference on Lifelong Learning-Adult Education, Community Empowerment and Further Training of Educators" organised by Polytechnic University of Crete, 12-14 June 2015, Crete, Greece.
- Co-Chair and Member of the International Steering Committee in "International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology" (ICCMIT) organised by Universal Society of Applied Research (USAR), 20-22 April 2015, Prague http://www.iccmit.net/INTERNATIONAL_STEERING_COMMITTEE.html
- Member of the International Technical Committee in "International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology" (ICCMIT) organised by Universal Society of Applied Research (USAR), 20-22 April 2015, Prague http://www.iccmit.net/INTERNATIONAL_TECHNICAL_COMMITTEE.html
- Member of the Programme Committee in the Engineering Education toward Excellence and Innovation (EDUCON2015) in the Special Track "IT and Engineering Pedagogy" (ITEP' 15) organised by IEEE, 18-20 March 2015, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia.
Organisation of Special Sessions at International Scientific Conference
- Special Session Organiser "New Technologies in Education and Psychology" on The 1st International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics (AISI) organised by Beni Suef University, 28-30 2015 Benisuef, Egypt
- Special Session Organiser "ICT in Education" on "International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology" (ICCMIT) organised by Universal Society of Applied Research (USAR), 20-22 April 2015, Prague http://www.iccmit.net/SpecialSessionProposal.html
Organisation of Seminars/Conferences/Symposiums
- Co-organiser of 'Affect and Social Media Symposium #2' in Collaboration with the School of Arts and Creative Industries at the University of East London.
- Arts in the early years settings to promote learning
- Creative ways to promote literacy in the early years settings
- Motives in the teaching and learning process
- Learning theories and practical application
- Creativity and creative thinking in teaching and learning
- New technologies in education
Early years
- The use of the arts to promote learning
- Creative ways to promote literacy
- Motives in the teaching and learning process
- Learning theories and practical application
- Creativity and creative thinking
Technology environment for enhanced learning
- Application in higher education and early years settings
- The use of social media to promote creativity and engagement
- Development of social and cognitive skills
Management of educational institutions
- Successful and efficient management and leadership
- The concept of power in managing and leading professional teams
- 2025: Schools x Student life- Co-Curricular Programme, Project title: Dance as a tool for professional development for Early Childhood undergraduate students
- 2024: EDUCOM Seed Funding research grant: Project title: Empowering Students: Assessing the Impact of a Focused Mentoring Scheme
- 2023: EDUCOM Seed Funding research grant: Project title 'Student voices in employability matters'
- 2024: Thamesmead Community Fund: Project title 'Empowering early childhood practitioners through dance'
Module leader
- ED6094 Practice module Part 5: Literacy and literate environment in early childhood (Online and on campus)
- ED5084 Practice module Part 4: Multimodal Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood (Online and on campus)
- ED6088 Independent research project (Online and on campus)
- ED6008 Multi-modal learning in early childhood (Online and on campus)
- ED6033 Early Childhood Dissertation Research (Online)
Module teaching
Level 3
- ED3403 Play and Talk in Learning
Level 4
- ED4009 Perspectives of Early Childhood Studies
- ED4034 Pedagogy: Developing Learning in Early Childhood
Level 5
- ED5004 Observing, Documenting and Researching with Children, Families and Practitioners
- ED5013 Issues and Controversies in Early Childhood Development
- ED5016 Social Policy for Children and Families
Level 8
- ET8908 Research Methodology-Perspectives on Research
Guest lectures (Undergraduate Level)
- ED6007 Early Childhood Research Dissertation
- ED6006 Assessment and Subject Knowledge in Early Childhood Education and Care
- ED6010 Critical Pedagogies
Guest Lectures (Postgraduate Level)
- ED7504: Research Methods in the Field of Early Childhood
- ED7410: Critical Reflection on Leadership of Practice in Early Childhood
- ED7411 Action Research - Leading Change in Early Childhood Pedagogy
Doctoral supervision
2024- present: Ms Sinthuja Abraham Kapilan
2024- present: Mr Patson Mudambana
2024- present: Ms Aimilia Prifti
- 2023 (Submitted Viva): Mrs Alison Baker: The portrayal of white working-class children in children's fantasy fiction and children's perceptions
- Sept 2020 - present: Ms Oluyemisi Afolabi: Montessori Primary Education: Voices and Visions of Montessori Teachers
Completed doctoral supervisions/PhD
- 2023: Amina Abdat - Teachers’ Continuous Professional Development CPD in Algeria and England: A Comparative Study of MFL Teachers in Medea and London
Browse past publications by year.
Full publications list
Visit the research repository to view a full list of publications
- Dancing With children or dancing for children? Measuring the effects of a dance intervention in children’s confidence and agency Early Child Development and Care. p. In press. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2025.2452587
- Nine Years in Life: The Effects of the Play and Learn through the Arts (PLA) Programme on Practitioners’ Professional Development Journal of Language and Culture in Education. 1 (1), pp. 33-47. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12807168
- If you give them the chance, they will thrive: exploring literacy development through the arts in early childhood education Early Years. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1080/09575146.2024.2343712
- International Perspectives on Creativity in the Foreign Language Classrooms Nova Science Publishers
- Developing Social Literacy through Different Art Forms in Early Childhood Education: Does It Matter Which Art Form I Am Going to Use? in: Papadopoulos, I., Griva, E. and Theodotou, E. (ed.) International Perspectives on Creativity in the Foreign Language Classrooms. Nova Science Publishers
- The Reggio Emilia and the Mosaic approach: Opponents or allies in multimodal teaching and learning? A discussion of their contribution to multimodal learning in early years education Journal of Global Education and Research. 4 (1), pp. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.5038/2577-509X.4.1.1047
- A Comparative Study of Multimodal Approaches to Learning: To Support Children’s Learning in the Early Years Research in Teacher Education. 9 (2), pp. 22-27. https://doi.org/10.15123/uel.8889y
- Reggio Emilia and the arts approach: Two exceptional examples of multimodal learning in early years Journal of Global Education and Research. 3 (2), pp. 158-167. https://doi.org/10.5038/2577-509X.3.2.1050
- Examining Literacy Development Holistically using the Play and Learn through the Arts (PLA) Programme: A Case Study Early Child Development and Care. 189 (3), pp. 488-499. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004430.2017.1326914
- An Empirical Study Comparing Different Art Forms to Develop Social and Personal Skills in Early Years Education Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education. 48 (4), pp. 471-482. https://doi.org/10.1080/03004279.2019.1618890