Eva Lloyd

Professor Eva Lloyd

Emeritus Professor

Department of Early Childhood & Education , School of Childhood and Social Care

Eva Lloyd OBE is Professor of Early Childhood in the School of Childhood and Social Care and the Director of International Centre for the Study of the Mixed Economy of Childcare   (ICMEC). Eva's research focuses on the marketisation and privatisation of childcare and its relation to child poverty and social exclusion.


  • PhD

Areas Of Interest

  • National and international early childhood education, and care policies and systems
  • Marketised systems, and their impact on children growing up with disadvantage


The last four years of publications can be viewed below. 

Full publications list

Visit the research repository to view a full list of publications

  • Lloyd, E. (2020)

    Towards a public ECEC system in: Cameron, C. and Moss, P. (ed.) Transforming Early Childhood in England: Towards a Democratic Education. UCL Press, pp.83-99

    Book chapter