Dr Charlotte Maughan Jones
Biomedical Engineering
Department of Engineering & Construction , School Of Architecture, Computing And Engineering
Charlotte is a Veterinary Surgeon with a PhD and research experience in x-ray phase contrast imaging, who now lectures in Biomedical Engineering. She is also a skilled science communicator with media training and has extensive experience delivering science outreach to school-aged children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
- PhD BSc (Hons) BVetMed MRCVS FHEA
- BSc (Hons) Medical Sciences with Medical Physics and Bioengineering – UCL (2008)
Areas Of Interest
- Imaging with Ionising radiation (x-ray imaging).
- X-ray phase contrast imaging.
- Optical imaging.
- Biomedical Phantom design and manufacture.
- Anatomy and Physiology for Engineers.
- Veterinary Medicine and clinical practice.
Charlotte graduated as a Veterinary Surgeon from the Royal Veterinary College in 2011, also earning an intercalated degree in Medical Sciences with Medical Physics and Bioengineering from UCL. She then spent four years working as an equine veterinary surgeon in southeast England, gaining experience in both ambulatory and hospital settings. During her clinical practice, she developed a strong interest in biomedical research, leading her to volunteer at the Comparative Neuromuscular Diseases Laboratory at the Royal Veterinary College. There, she investigated the genetic predisposition to a common equine laryngeal disease.
Charlotte later transitioned to advanced X-ray imaging research at UCL's Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, where she completed her PhD. Her doctoral research focused on comparing the optical and x-ray properties of biological materials through the fabrication of biomedical phantoms. Leveraging her expertise in engineering and biological sciences, she developed a cross-disciplinary research program centred on three-dimensional imaging of tendon tissues, using equine tendon tissue as a disease model.
Charlotte’s main research interests lie within the fields of x-ray imaging, biomedical phantom design and manufacture and optical imaging techniques. She is also a staunch advocate of the “one health” principle in research design. (
- Journals (all listed on Google Scholar).
- Media Portfolio
- Podcast: Health in a Handbasket – Episode 7: Shining a light inside the body
- Amir Reza Zekavat et al 2024 Phys. Med. Biol. 69 105017 - https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6560/ad4000/meta
- T. Partridge, P. Wolfson, J. Jiang, L. Massimi, A. Astolfo, N. Djurabekova, S. Savvidis, C. Jones, C. Hagen, E. Millard, W. Shorrock, R. Waltham, I. Haig, D. Bate, K. Ho, H. Mc Bain, A. Wilson, A. Hogan, H. Delaney, A. Liyadipita, A. Levine, K. Dawas, B. Mohammadi, Y. Qureshi, M. Chouhan, S. Taylor, M. Mughal, P. Munro, M. Endrizzi, M. Novelli, L. Lovat, and A. Olivo, "T staging oesophagal tumours with x rays," Optica 11, 569-576 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1364/OPTICA.501948
- C Peiffer et al 2023 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 56 45LT02 - https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-6463/acee8c/meta
- Honorary Lecturer – UCL Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering.
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