Dr Ayse Burcin Baskurt
Senior Lecturer
Module Leader, Final Project - Research
Department of Psychology & Human Development , School of Childhood and Social Care
Dr Ayse Burcin Baskurt is a BPS Chartered Psychologist and a Higher Education Academy Fellow, working as a Senior Lecturer at UEL. Having a background in Sociology and Comparative Studies in History and Society in her undergraduate and graduate studies, she completed her PhD in Social and Organisational Psychology at Koc University, Turkey. She also earned an MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (MAPPCP) from UEL.
She is currently a Senior Lecturer and Module Leader in the MAPP programme at UEL, teaching the Final Project-Research module. She is a member of the Mental Health and Social Change Research Group.
- PhD Social and Organisational Psychology - Koc University, Turkey
- MSc Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology (MAPPCP) - UEL, UK
- MA Comparative Studies in History and Society - Koc University, Turkey
- BA Sociology - Bogazici University, Turkey
Areas Of Interest
- Career calling, employee wellbeing, social support, work-family interface, leadership, culture, quantitative methods
Dr Baskurt's research, teaching and practice mainly focus on the interrelations between work, family and education, using the lenses of gender, culture and positive psychology. She collaborated in various international research projects on career tracks of PhD graduates, success definitions of entrepreneurs, gender differences in worries about leadership, positive development of early adolescents, and work-family interface during COVID-19.
She published journal articles, book chapters and policy reports on these topics. She also presented research papers at international conferences. Her most recent published research focuses on career calling, wellbeing, leadership and work-family interface. She is a member of the Early Career Researcher Network of the British Academy, and a chartered member of the British Psychological Society.
- Baskurt, A. and Kampman, H. (2022). How does social support shape the relationship between career calling and PERMA? European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. 6 (4), pp. 1-15.
Research groups:
- A member of the Mental Health and Social Change Research Group
Book Chapters
- Rajadhyaksha, U., & Baskurt, A. B. (2020). Work-family interface and crossover effects: Exploring for the effects of gender. In F. M. Cheung and D. F. Halpern (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of the International Psychology of Women (pp. 329-341). Cambridge University Press.
- Baskurt, A. B. & Aycan, Z. (2017) . The work-family interface in Turkey. In K. Korabik, Z. Aycan, R. Ayman (Eds.), The work-family interface in global context, (pp. 175-194). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Kabasakal, H., Aycan, Z., Baskurt, A. B., Varnalı, R. & Erdoğan, I. (2015). Girişimcilikte başarı kriterleri ve temel başarı faktörleri: Kadın-erkek karşılaştırması. In Ç. Kağıtçıbaşı, Himga, D. . Ş Barlas, M. Önok, Z. G. Göker (Eds.) Kadın odaklı, (pp. 83-115). İstanbul: Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Journal Articles
- Devexhiu, N., & Baskurt, A. B. (2024). Enhancing parental wellbeing: The effects of a character strengths intervention on parental wellbeing, self-efficacy, satisfaction and stress. European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 8, 5, 1-13.
- Hoehn, A., & Baskurt, A. B. (2023). The relationship between gratitude and work engagement: examining the mediating role of employee resilience. European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 7, 12, 1-13.
- Baskurt, A. B. & Kampman, H. (2022). How does social support shape the relationship between career calling and PERMA? The European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 6(4), 1-15.
- Karakulak, A., Baskurt, A. B., Koseoglu, G. & Aycan, Z. (2022). Worrying about
leadership: Is it a liability or advantage for leadership of women and men? Frontiers in Psychology, 13 (675522). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.675522 - Erarslan (Baskurt), A. B. & Rankin, B. (2013) Gender role attitudes of female students in single-sex and coeducational high schools in Istanbul. Sex Roles, 69, 7-8, 455-468. doi: 10.1007/ s11199-013-0277-0.
- Erarslan (Baskurt), A. B. & Topçu, B. (2010). Picking the juice to the fruit: Case studies in Istanbul. Nota Bene Sabancı University Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, No: 3.
- Erarslan (Baskurt), A. B. (2009). Does educational attainment influence the amount of negative spillover? Nota Bene Sabancı University Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, No: 2.
Policy Reports
- Aycan, Z. & Baskurt A. B. (2015). Predictors of unemployment among social sciences and humanities PhD graduates. POCARIM Policy Report. University of Salford.
Online Resources
- Baskurt, A. B. (2022). Kariyer cagrisini sosyal cevre etkiliyor. Harvard Business Review (Turkey). Available online.
- Baskurt, A. B. (2022). Milenyum kusagi kariyer degistirmeye daha acik. Harvard Business Review (Turkey). Retrieved. Available online.
- Erarslan (Baskurt), A. B. (2012). Does educational attainment influence the amount of negative spillover? Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) database. Available online.
Manuscripts in Preparation
- Baskurt, A. B. (forthcoming). Career calling from Positive Organisational Psychology perspective.
- Final Project - Research (Master's in Applied Positive Psychology)
Browse past publications by year.
Full publications list
Visit the research repository to view a full list of publications
- Enhancing Parental Wellbeing: The Effects of a Character Strengths Intervention on Parental Wellbeing, Self-Efficacy, Satisfaction and Stress European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. 8 (5), pp. 1-13
- The relationship between gratitude and work engagement: examining the mediating role of employee resilience European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. 7 (12), pp. 1-13
- How does social support shape the relationship between career calling and PERMA? European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. 6 (4), pp. 1-15
- Worrying about leadership: Is it a liability or an advantage for leadership of women and men? Frontiers in Psychology. 13 (Art. 675522). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.675522
- Work–Family Interface and Crossover Effects: Exploring for the Effects of Gender in: Cheung, F. M. and Halpern, D. F. (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of the International Psychology of Women. Cambridge University Press, pp.329-341