Dr Ayantunji Gbadamosi
Associate Professor
Department of Business Entrepreneurship & Finance , Royal Docks School Of Business And Law
Dr Ayantunji Gbadamosi {(BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, FHEA, FCIM, FCMI} is the course leader for BSc (Hons) International
- BSc, MSc, PhD
Areas Of Interest
- Consumer behaviour
- SME marketing
- Marketing communications
- Marketing to children
Dr Ayantunji Gbadamosi {(BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, FHEA, FCIM, FCMI} is associate professor in marketing and course leader for BSc (Hons) International Business Management (Top-up). He has over two decades of lecturing experience in various Higher Education institutions both in the UK and overseas, in addition to his three years' experience in the industry prior to joining academia. He has once served as the research coordinator and the chair of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee in the School.
He received his PhD from the University of Salford, UK. Dr 'Tunji Gbadamosi has over 100 publications - journal articles, chapters in edited books, edited books, monograph, conference papers, and case studies. His papers have been published in a variety of refereed journals including Industrial Marketing Management, World Development, Journal of strategic Marketing, Journal of Brand Management, Thunderbird International Business Review, International Journal of Market Research, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Marketing intelligence and Planning, Social Marketing Quarterly, Nutrition and Food Science, Young Consumers, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Society and Business Review, International Journal of Consumer Studies, International Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy.
He is the author of the book entitled Low-income Consumer Behaviour and the editor of Young Consumer Behaviour (Routledge, 2018), The Handbook of Research on Consumerism and Buying Behaviour in Developing Nations (IGI Global, 2016), Exploring the Dynamics of Consumerism in Developing Nations (IGI, Global, 2019), and Contemporary Issues in Marketing (SAGE, 2019). His co-edited books are: (a) Principles of Marketing - A Value-Based Approach (Palgrave, 2013), (b) Entrepreneurship Marketing: Principles and Practice of SME Marketing (Routledge 2011), (c) Entrepreneurship Marketing: Principles and Practice of SME Marketing (Second edition) (Routledge, 2020), and (d) Religion and Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations (Edward Elgar, 2021).
Dr Gbadamosi is an editorial board member of several journals. He has supervised several undergraduate and postgraduate students including 12 PhD students to successful completion and served as an examiner for 30 doctorate degree examinations. He is the current Programme Chair of the Academy of African Business Development (AABD). His research interest lies in Consumer Behaviour, SME Marketing, Marketing to Children, and Marketing Communications. His paper won the EMERLAD Best paper award at the International Academy of African Business Development (IAABD) conference, 2014. He is listed in Who's Who in the World.
Editorial Board Membership
- Journal of Global Marketing (Routledge)
- Journal of African Business (Routledge)
- African Journal of Economic and Management Studies (Emerald)
Manuscript Review
I am an ad hoc reviewer of manuscripts for these journals and conferences:
- European Journal of Marketing
- Marketing Intelligence and Planning
- Journal of Customer Behaviour
- International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
- International Journal of Consumer Studies
- Technology Analysis and Strategic Management
- Journal of African Business
- Management Research Review
- Arts and Social Sciences Journal
- Social Marketing Quarterly
- Journal of General Management
- Journal of Marketing for Higher Education
- Industry and Higher Education
- South Asian Journal of Global Business Research
- Foresight
- African Journal of Economic and Management Studies
- International Journal of Bank Marketing
- Qualitative Market Research: International Journal
- The Social Science Journal
- Irish Educational Journal
- Journal of Strategic Marketing
- Journal of Management Development
- Irish Educational Studies
- Journal of Economic Surveys
- Journal of Global Marketing
- Academy of Marketing Conference
- International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference
External Examiner/Advisor roles
External Advisor role
University of Chester, Faculty of Business and Management, PG Revalidation Nov. 2016
University of Ghana Business School, Ghana, External Assessor for Academic Staff Promotion, February/March, 2018
Undergraduate programmes (External Examiner role)
- Westminster Business School (Marketing and Business Strategy) - Oct 2013 - Oct 2017
- University of Chester, Faculty of Business and Management, Oct 2016 - Oct 2018
- University of Northampton, Faculty of Business and Management, Oct 2016 - till date
- University of Lancaster, Management School (Sunway), Oct 2019 - till date
Postgraduate Taught programme (External Examiner role)
- University of Suffolk, MBA Programme, September 2018 - till date
- Postgraduate Research Degree (External Examiner role)
- DBA Examination at Edinburgh Napier University - December 2012
- PhD Examination at Edinburgh Napier University - January 2014
- PhD Examination at Northumbria University, Newcastle - February 2014
- PhD Examination at the University of Wales - October 2014
- PhD Examination at Leeds Beckett University - February 2015
- PhD Examination at London Metropolitan University - January 2016
- PhD Examination at Leeds Beckett University - September 2016
- MPhil Examination at London Metropolitan University - November 2016
- MPhil, Examination, University of Ghana - October 2018
- PhD Examination, Brunel University - January 2019
- PhD Examination, Manchester Metropolitan University - February 2019
- PhD Examination, University of Bolton - August 2019
- DBA Examination, Staffordshire University - January 2020
- DBA Examination, University of The West of Scotland - June 2020
Other External Roles
Programme Chair
Academy of African Business Development (AABD) conferences May, 2016 –
I am in a strong research network in the marketing discipline nationally and internationally. Apart from the networks that revolve around the books I have edited, I am closely connected to academics associated with various conferences. I have independent and joint research plans around a number of interrelated themes such as postmodernism, acculturation and ethnic minority consumption, ethnic entrepreneurship, symbolic consumption, and brand relationship vis-a-vis ethnic consumers. I plan to explore these deeply by making research funding applications such that will lead to robust submissions to high quality peer-reviewed journals.
- Gbadamosi, A. and Oniku, C. A. (2021), (Eds). 'Religion and Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations', London: Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (Forthcoming)
- Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (2020), (Eds.) 'Entrepreneurship Marketing: Principles and Practice of SME Marketing', 2nd edition, Oxfordshire: Routledge
- Gbadamosi, A. (2019), (ed), 'Contemporary Issues in Marketing: Principles and Practice', London: SAGE
- Gbadamosi, A. (2019) (ed) 'Exploring The Dynamics of Consumerism in Developing Nations', Hershey: IGI Global
- Gbadamosi, A. (2018) (ed.) 'Young Consumer Behaviour: A Research Companion', Oxfordshire: Routledge
- Gbadamosi, A (2016) (ed.) 'Handbook of Research on Consumerism and Buying Behaviour in Developing Nations, Hershey: IGI Global
- Gbadamosi, A., Bathgate, I., Nwankwo, S. (Eds.) (2013), 'Principles of Marketing: A Value-based Approach', Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
- Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (2011), (Eds.) 'Entrepreneurship Marketing: Principles and Practice of SME Marketing', Oxfordshire: Routledge
- Gbadamosi, A. (2010), 'Low-income Consumer Behaviour: A Contextual Focus on Women and Low-involvement Grocery Products', Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Refereed Journal Articles
- Emmanuel-Stephen, C. And Gbadamosi, A. (2021) 'Hedonism And Luxury Fashion Consumption Among Black African Women In The UK: An Empirical Study', Journal of Fashion Marketing Management, Doi (10.1108/Jfmm-05-2020-0079)
- Rezaei, S., Hajli, N., Gbadamosi, A, Aghaali, N. and Mauricio S. Featherman, M. S. (2021), 'Brand Value Co-Creation In The Social Commerce Era: Empirical Evidence From Iran', Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, VOL 22, NO 1, 46-58
- Madichie, N. O., Gbadamosi, A., and Rwelamila, P. D. (2021), 'Entrepreneurship and the Informal Sector: Challenges and Opportunities for African Business Development, Journal of African Business,' (Special Issue)
- Hamelin, N., Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (2020), 'Social Marketing And The Corruption Conundrum In Morocco: An Exploratory Analysis', World Development Vol. 133, September, 104993
- Hajli, N., Tajvidi, M., Gbadamosi, A., and Nadeem, W. (2020), 'Understanding Customer Agility for New Product Success with Big Data Analytics, Industrial Marketing Management,' Vol. 86, April 2020, Pages 135-143
- Gbadamosi, A. (2019), 'Postmodernism, ethnicity, and celebrity culture in women’s symbolic Consumption', International Journal of Market Research, DOI: 10.1177/1470785319868363
- Gbadamosi, A. (2019), 'Women Entrepreneurship, Religiosity, and Value-co-creation with Ethnic Consumers: Revisiting the Paradox', Journal of Strategic Marketing, 27 (4) 303-316
- Hamelin, N., Mokannef, A., Gbadamosi, A. (2018), 'Colour cosmetics consumption among Moroccan women: Examining the Nexus of Attitudes, Religion, and the Media', International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42:755–767.
- Gbadamosi, A. (2018), 'The Anatomy of International Students' Acculturation in UK Universities', Industry and Higher Education 2018, Vol. 32(2) 129–138
- Al-Abdulrazak, R. and Gbadamosi, A. (2017) 'Trust, Religiosity, and Relationship Marketing: A Conceptual Overview of Consumer Brand Loyalty, Society and Business Review,' vol., 12, No.3, DOI: 10.1108/SBR-03-2017-0014
- Madichie, N. O and Gbadamosi, A. (2017) 'The Entrepreneurial University: An Exploration of value-creation in a non-Management department', Journal of Management Development , 36, No.2, pp196-216
- Gbadamosi, A. and Yusuf, T. O. (2016), 'Exploring Consumer Opportunism Conundrum in Insurance Industry: The Role of Marketing' The Marketing Review, vol. 16, No.1, pp.93-107
- Gbadamosi, A. (2015) 'Brand Personification and Symbolic Consumption among Ethnic Teenage Consumers: An Empirical study' Journal of Brand Management vol. 22, No9, pp.737-759
- Gbadamosi, A. (2015), 'Exploring the Growing Link of Ethnic Entrepreneurship, Markets, and Pentecostalism in London (UK): An Empirical study', Society and Business Review, vol. 10, No. 2, pp.150-169
- Harengel, P. and Gbadamosi, A. (2014) '"Launching" A New Nation: The Unfolding Brand of South Sudan, Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy,' 10 (1), pp. 35-54.
- Gbadamosi. A. (2013) 'Consumer Involvement and Marketing in Africa: Some Directions for Future Research' : International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37, No.2, pp. 234-242
- Samad, N., Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (2013), 'Impact of Management Structure on Development Programmes: Lessons from Social Marketing of Family Planning in Pakistan', Social Marketing Quarterly, vol. 19, No. 1 pp. 40-51.
- Ojo, S., Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (2013) 'African Diaspora Entrepreneurs: Navigating Entrepreneurial Spaces in 'Home' and 'Host' Countries': International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, vol. 14, No.4., pp211-221
- Ojo, S., Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (2013) 'Entrepreneurship Among Immigrant Africans In The UK: The Myths of Informal and Illegal Enterprises', Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, vol. 25, No.7-8, pp587-611
- Nwankwo S. and Gbadamosi, A. (2013), 'Faith and entrepreneurship among the British African-Caribbean: Intersections between religious and entrepreneurial values',: International Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 20 No. 3, 2013, pp. 618-633
- Gbadamosi, A. , Hinson, R., Eddy, T. K. and Ingunjiri, I. (2012), 'Children's attitudinal reactions to TV advertisements: The African experience', International Journal of Market Research, vol.54, No.4, pp. 543-566
- Al-Shamali, S., Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (2012), 'CRM in the Banking Sector: Framework and Applications', International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management, vol.3, No. 4, pp.40-49
- Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A., and Ojo, S., (2012), '"Religion, spirituality and entrepreneurship: the church as entrepreneurial space among British Africans" Society and Business Review vol.7, No.2, pp.149-167
- Gbadamosi, A. (2012), 'Acculturation: An Exploratory Study of Clothing Consumption among Black African Women in London (UK)', Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, vol. 16, No.1, pp.5-20
- Gbadamosi, A. (2012), 'Exploring Children, Family, and Consumption Behaviour: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria', Thunderbird International Business Review, 54, 4, pp. 591-605
- Osei, C. and Gbadamosi, A. (2011), 'Re-branding Africa, Marketing Intelligence and Planning,' vol.29, No.3, pp.284-304
- Samad, N., Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (2010), 'Branding in Contraceptive Social Marketing: The Pakistani experience', Social Marketing Quarterly, vol.16, No.2, pp.50-68
- Gbadamosi, A. (2010), 'Regulating Child-related Advertising in Nigeria', Young Consumers, vol.11, No.3, pp.204-214
- Gbadamosi, A. (2009), 'Cognitive dissonance: The implicit explication in low-income consumers' shopping behaviour for 'low-involvement' grocery products, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, vol. 37, No.12, pp. 1077-1095
- Yusuf, T. O. , Gbadamosi, A., and Hamadu, D. (2009), 'Attitudes of Nigerians Towards Insurance Services: An Empirical Study', African Journal of Accounting, Economics, Finance & Banking Research, (USA) vol.14, No.4, July, pp.34-46
- Gbadamosi, A. (2009), 'Low Income Consumers' Reactions to Low-involvement Products', Marketing Intelligence and Planning, vol.27, Issue 7, pp.882-899
- Gbadamosi, A., Iwaloye, O. and Bamber, D. (2009), 'An Exploratory study Of Students' Consumption Of Non-Alcoholic Beverages In Nigeria: A Qualitative Perspective, Nutrition and Food Science, vol.39, 6, pp.609-618
- Ogundele, O.J.K. and Gbadamosi, A. (2006), 'An Empirical Study of the Marketing Strategies of Nigerian Small Scale Businesses', Lagos Organization Review, vol.2, No.3, (Jan- March), pp.80-88
- Gbadamosi, A. (2004), 'Total Quality Marketing: The Missing Link in Nigerian Entrepreneurship', Nigerian Journal of Marketing, vol.5, No.1, (April), pp. 124-130
- Gbadamosi, A. (2003), 'The Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers' Purchase Decisions of Newly Introduced Products (NIP): An Empirical Approach. Nigerian Journal Of Risk and Insurance {N.J.R.I}, vol. 4. No. 1, pp. 68-85
- Gbadamosi, 'Tunji. (2000), 'Consumers' Redemption: Whose Responsibility?’ International Journal of Management Sciences and Information Technology. Vol.1 No.1 - April, p.46 –54
Book Chapters
- Gbadamosi, A. (2021), 'A Critical overview of Religion, culture and consumption in developing nations in Gbadamosi, A. and Oniku, C. A. (2021), (Eds). 'Religion and Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations', London: Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.1-24
- Gbadamosi, A. (2021), 'Consumption, Religion, and Digital Marketing in Developing countries' in Gbadamosi, A. and Oniku, C. A. (2021), (Eds). 'Religion and Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations', London: Cheltenham: Edward Elgar pp.175-198
- Gbadamosi, A., Fletcher, K, Sani, K., Panditharathna, R. and Bamber, C. D (2021), 'Exploring the Role of Religion in Consumer Decision making process: Perspectives on Developing nations in Gbadamosi, A. and Oniku, C. A. (2021), (Eds). 'Religion and Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations', London: Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.76-115
- Fourali, C. and Gbadamosi, A. (2021), 'Religion and Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations: A look into the Future in developing nations in Gbadamosi, A. and Oniku, C. A. (2021), (Eds). 'Religion and Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations', London: Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp199-226
- Gbadamosi, A. (2020), 'Buyer Behaviour in the 21st century: Implications for SME Marketing', in Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (2020), (Eds.) 'Entrepreneurship Marketing: Principles and Practice of SME Marketing', 2nd edition, Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp72-96
- Gbadamosi, A. (2019), 'Marketing: A Paradigm Shift', in Gbadamosi, A. (ed) Contemporary Issues in Marketing, London: SAGE, pp3-31
- Gbadamosi, A. (2019), 'Ethics and Sustainable Marketing', in Gbadamosi, A. (ed) Contemporary Issues in Marketing, London: SAGE, pp.185 – 218
- Gbadamosi, A. and Sharma, A (2019), 'The Contemporary Consumer', in Gbadamosi, A. (ed) Contemporary Issues in Marketing, London: SAGE, pp.121 - 154
- Madichie, N.O., Gbadamosi, A., and Nwankwo, S. (2018), 'Entrepreneurialism in a London University: A Case Illustration', in Ferreira, J., Fayolle, A., Ratten, V., and Roposo, M. (Eds.) Entrepreneurial Universities: Collaboration, Education, and Policies, London: Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp.88-104
- Gbadamosi, A. (2018), 'The Changing Landscape of Young Consumer Behaviour', in Gbadamosi, A. (2018) (ed.) 'Young Consumer Behaviour: A Research Companion', Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp 3-22
- Gbadamosi (2016), 'Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations: A Conceptual Overview' in Gbadamosi, A (ed.) 'Handbook of Research on Consumerism and Buying Behaviour in Developing Nations', Hershey: IGI Global, pp.1-29
- Hamelin, N., Gbadamosi, A., Lucas, P. (2018), 'Marketing Communications and The Young Consumer: Evidence from a Developing Country', in Gbadamosi, A. (2018) (ed.) 'Young Consumer Behaviour: A Research Companion', Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp 170-186
- Mingazova, D. and Gbadamosi, A. (2018), 'Pricing, Income, and Brand Symbolism: Exploring Young Consumers' Understanding of Value', in Gbadamosi, A. (2018) (ed.) 'Young Consumer Behaviour: A Research Companion', Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp. 138-154
- Hamelin, N. Gbadamosi, A., Mohaouchane, S., and Benelkaid, I. (2016), 'Consumer Attitude Towards Debt: Empirical Evidence from Morocco', in Gbadamosi, A (ed.) 'Handbook of Research on Consumerism and Buying Behaviour in Developing Nations', Hershey: IGI Global, pp. 53-76
- Gbadamosi, A., Fletcher, K., Emmanuel Stephen, C., and Olutola, I. C. (2018), Consumerism and Consumer Protection: A Focus on Young Consumers', in Gbadamosi, A. (2018) (ed.) 'Young Consumer Behaviour: A Research Companion', Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp.391-413
- Ojo, S. Nwankwo, S, and Gbadamosi, A. (2015), 'The Landscape of Ethnic Marketing in the UK' in Jamal, A., Peñaloza, L. and Laroche, M. in Routledge Companion to Ethnic Marketing Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp.97-116
- Gbadamosi, A. (2015) 'Family Consumption Systems in Africa: A Focus on Children', in Nwankwo, S. and Ibeh, K. (Eds), Routledge Companion to Business in Africa in, Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp146-159
- Gbadamosi, A., Bathgate, I. and Nwankwo, S. (2013), 'The Purpose of Marketing', in Gbadamosi, A., Bathgate, I. and Nwankwo, S. (Eds.) , 'Principles of Marketing: A Value-based Approach', Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-13
- Gbadamosi, A., and Pandya, K. V. (2013), 'Managing Marketing Information for Value Creation', in Gbadamosi, A., Bathgate, I. and Nwankwo, S. (Eds.) 'Principles of Marketing: A Value-based Approach', Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.104-138
- Gbadamosi, A. (2011), 'Entrepreneurship Marketing Environment', in Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (Eds.) 'Entrepreneurship Marketing: Principles and Practice of SME Marketing', Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp. 55-78
- Gbadamosi, A. (2011), 'Managing products in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: A customer-oriented Perspective' in Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (Eds.) 'Entrepreneurship Marketing: Principles and Practice of SME Marketing', Oxfordshire: Routledge, pp108-126
- Gbadamosi, A. (2004), 'Theories of Comparative Management and Administration' In Ogundele, O.J.K. (ed.) Comparative management and Administration- A Book Of Readings'. Lagos: Concept Publication pp.62-78
- Gbadamosi, A. (2004), 'Cultural Dimension of Comparative Management and Administration', In Ogundele, O.J.K. (ed.) Comparative management and Administration- A Book Of Readings'. Lagos: Concept Publication pp.111-137
- Adebakin M. and Gbadamosi, A. (2004), 'Selected problems of Comparative Management and Administration' In Ogundele, O.J.K. (ed.) Comparative management and Administration- A Book Of Readings'. Lagos: Concept Publication pp.333-344
- Gbadamosi, A. (2001), 'The Concept of Business' In Asika, N. and Odugbesan, A. (eds.) 'Understanding Nigerian Business Environment- A Book of Readings'. Concept Publication (Lagos), pp. 9-21
Conference papers
- Gbadamosi, A. (2021), 'Marketing to Children in Africa: Ethics, Business, and Public Policy', in Rwelamila, P. D. (Ed.), "Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprises, and Economic Sustainability in the African Context, the Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD)" Conference at the MacEwan University, Canada 18 - 19 May, 2021
- Kareem Folohunso Sani, Ayantunji Gbadamosi & Rula Al-Abdulrazak (2021), 'Examining the Impact of Trust on Bank-Customer Relationship Management: Evidence from Nigeria', in Rwelamila, P. D. (Ed.), "Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprises, and Economic Sustainability in the African Context, the Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD)" Conference at the MacEwan University, Canada 18 - 19 May, 2021
- Emmanuel-stephen, C. and Gbadamosi, A.(2020), 'Place Identity, Ethnicity and Women's Luxury Fashion Consumption: An Empirical Study', British Academy of Management conference,, September, 2020
- Kareem, S., Gbadamosi, A., and Al-Abdulrazak, R. (2019), 'Understanding Customer Switching Behaviour in the Retail Banking Sector: Direction for Further Studies' presentation at the Academy of Marketing conference, 2 - 4 July, 2019
- Emmanuel-Stephen, C. And Gbadamosi, A. (2019), 'Luxury Fashion And Hedonic Consumption Among Black African Women In The UK' presentation at the Academy of Marketing conference, 2 - 4 July, 2019
- Gbadamosi, A. (2019), 'Social-Commerce, Value-co-creation, and Consumerism in Developing Nations: Avenue for Future Research, in Rwelamila, P. D. (Ed.), Towards Industrialized Africa: Opportunities and Challenges, the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD)' Conference at the University of Dar es Salaam, 8 - 10 May, 2019 pp270-280
- Gbadamosi, A. (2018), 'Compulsive Consumption and The Contemporary Global Consumer Culture: Implication for Ethnic Marketing and Public Policy', in Rwelamila, P. D. (Ed.), 'Sustainable African Development and Self-Reliance', the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at University of South Africa, Durban, 16 -18 May, 2018
- Gbadamosi, A. (2017), 'Materialism among Young Ethnic Consumers: Avenues for Future Research', in Rwelamila, P. D. (Ed), in Rwelamila, P. D. (Ed.) Accelerating Sustainable Development In Africa: The Roles Of Businesses, Entrepreneurs, The Middle Class And Global Partners, the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA, May 17 - 20, 2017
- Olutola, I. C. and Gbadamosi, A. (2017), 'Sustainability of Black African Entrepreneurship in the UK: An Exploratory Analysis, in Rwelamila, P. D. (Ed.) in Rwelamila, P. D. (Ed.) Accelerating Sustainable Development In Africa: The Roles Of Businesses, Entrepreneurs, The Middle Class And Global Partners, the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA, May 17 - 20, 2017
- Emmanuel-Stephen, C. and Gbadamosi, A. (2017), 'Conspicuous Consumption Patterns of Middle class Black African women', in Rwelamila, P. D. (Ed.) Accelerating Sustainable Development In Africa: The Roles Of Businesses, Entrepreneurs, The Middle Class And Global Partners, The International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA, May 17 - 20, 2017
- Emmanuel-Stephen, M. C. and Gbadamosi, A. (2016), 'Consumer Identity and Women's Luxury Fashion Consumption Behaviour: A'
- 'Conceptual Overview', British Academy of Management (BAM) conference, Newcastle University, 6 - 8 September, UK, 2016.
- Fletcher, K., and Gbadamosi, A. (2016), 'Consumer-Generated Radical Marketing: A Business Opportunity in the Digital Age', in Radical Marketing, Academy of Marketing (AM) conference, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, UK, 4 – 7 July, 2016
- Gbadamosi, A. (2016), 'Masculinity, Symbolism, and Ethnic Marketing in the UK: Setting a Research Agenda', in Good Governance and Business Policies towards Sustainable African Business and Development, the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (NM-AIST), Tanzania, May 11 - 14, 2016
- Gbadamosi, A. (2015), 'International Students and Acculturation in British Universities: A Qualitative Study', International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 26 - 30 May 2015
- Gbadamosi, A. and Madichie, N. (2014), 'Demarketing of Higher Education - Thinking out of the Box or out of Focus?', Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) conference, Manchester, 5 - 6 November, 2014
- Gbadamosi, A. (2014), 'Symbolic Consumption among Black African Women in the UK', in Spring, A and Rwelamila, P. D. (Eds.) The Development and Sustainability of African Business: The Role of the African Diaspora, Proceedings of the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at Barbados 26 - 29 May, 2014
- Gbadamosi, A. (2013), 'Exploring The Mediating Role of Ethnic Entrepreneurship in Acculturation of Black African Consumers in the UK', Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) conference, Cardiff, 12 - 13 November, 2013
- Gbadamosi, A. (2013), "The Paradox of Entrepreneurship Marketing Engaging with Pentecostalism: The Case of Black African Women in London (UK) in Obuah, E. (ed) 'Integrating African Markets and Economies in a changing Global Economy: Issues, challenges and Opportunities'". Proceedings of the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at Gimpa, Accra, Ghana, May 14-18, 2013
- Samad, N. and Gbadamosi, A. (2013), 'The Use of Social Marketing in Obesity Control', In International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference, Matla, March 2-7, 2013
- Gbadamosi, A. (2012), 'SME Marketing and Pentecostalism among the African-Caribbean in London (UK): Exploring Pastors’ Perspectives', Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship conference, Dublin, 7 - 8 November, 2012
- Brimelow, Z. Gbadamosi, A. And Bamber, D. (2012) 'Women, Beauty, Perception And Consumption Behaviour: Implications For Organisational Studies' British Academy of Management Conference, Cardiff University, UK, 11 - 13 September, 2012
- Gbadamosi, A. (2012), 'Entrepreneurship Marketing And Pentecostalism In London, UK: The African-Caribbean Experience In Marketing: Catching The Technology Wave', Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference at The University of Southampton, UK, July 3 - 6, 2012
- Gbadamosi, A. (2012), 'Researching into Symbolic Consumption among Black Africans in the UK: How far are we from the Milestone? , in Obuah, E. (ed) African Business And Development In A Changing Global Political Economy: Issues, Challenges And Opportunities' Proceedings of the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at El Jadida Polydisciplinary University, El Jadida, Morocco, May 15-19, 2012
- Gbadamosi, A. (2011), 'Clothing Acculturation Among Black African Women in London (UK): An Exploratory Study', in Obuah, E. (ed) 'African Business and Sustainable Development: Challenges in the Era of Globalization', Proceedings of the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at Athabasca University, Edmonton, Canada, May 17- 20, 2011
- Gbadamosi, A., Oniku, A., and Bamber, D. (2011), 'Brand Personality Re-examined: Perspective from Fast-food Industry in a Typical African Country', in Obuah, E. (ed) 'African Business and Sustainable Development: Challenges in the Era of Globalization', Proceedings of the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at Athabasca University, Edmonton, Canada, May 17- 20, 2011
- Gbadamosi, A. and Madichie, N. O. (2010), 'Adaptive Curriculum for Entrepreneurial Learning: A case Study of SME Marketing at UEL', Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, Grand Connaught Rooms, London, November, 2 - 4, 2010
- Gbadamosi, A. (2010), 'A Conceptual Overview of Consumer Involvement: Implications for Marketing in Africa', in Obuah, E. (ed) 'Moving Africa towards Sustainable Growth and Technological Development', Proceedings of the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at the University of Lagos, Nigeria, May 18 - 22, 2010
- Gbadamosi, A. and Yusuf, T. O. (2010), 'Curbing the Menace of Opportunism in Insurance Business: The Mediating Role of Marketing Strategies', in Transformational Marketing, Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing (AM) conference at the Coventry University Business School, UK, July 6-8, 2010
- Nwankwo, S. and Gbadamosi, A. (2009), 'Mediating Effects of Black Pentecostalism on Entrepreneurial orientations', Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, The Novas Centre, Liverpool, UK, November, 3-6, 2009
- Gbadamosi, A. and Oniku, C. A. (2009), 'The Strategic Implications of China's Economic Pacts with Sub-Sahara African Countries: The Case of Nigeria', International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, June 1-4
- Gbadamosi , A. (2009), 'Advertising to Children in Nigeria: Improving the status Quo for Enhanced Ethical Marketing Practices', in Sigue, S. (ed.) 'Repositioning African Business and Development for the 21st Century', Proceedings of the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at the Makerere University Business School, Kampala, Uganda, May 19-23, 2009
- Hamadu, D., Yusuf, T. O., and Gbadamosi, A. (2008), 'Attitude of Nigerians Towards Insurance Services', in Sigue, S. (ed.) 'Global and Local Dynamism in African Business & Development', Proceedings of the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at the University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 20 – 24 May 2008
- Gbadamosi, A., Iwaloye, O. and Bamber, D. (2008), 'An Analysis Of Students' Consumption Of Non-alcoholic Beverages in Nigeria: A Qualitative Inquiry', in 'Reflective Marketing in a Material World', Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference, at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, 8 - 10 July 2008
- Gbadamosi, A. (2007), 'Catch Them Young: An Exploratory Study of the Roles of Children in Family Purchase Decisions In Nigeria', in Ayadi, F. (ed.), 'Building New Strategic Partnership for Africa’s Development', Proceedings of the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference at London Metropolitan university, London, UK, 29 May – 2 June 2007, pp.320-326
- Gbadamosi, A. (2007), 'Low-Income Consumers' Reactions to Sales Promotion Stimuli of Low Involvement Products: An Exploratory Perspective', Proceedings of Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC), The University of Salford, UK, 10 - 11 May, 2007, pp.87-103
- PhD supervision
- Module Leader: Consumer Behaviour (Undergraduate)
- Module Leader: Contemporary Issues in Marketing (Undergraduate)
- Module Leader: Global Marketing (Undergraduate)
- Module Leader: Research Methodology (Postgraduate)
- Team member: Marketing in the Digital Age (Postgraduate)
The last four years of publications can be viewed below.
Full publications list
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- Masculinity and Symbolic Consumption Among Black African Consumers: An Interpretive Study Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1108/QMR-09-2023-0121
- Consumer Behaviour and Digital Transformation Routledge Taylor & Francis Group
- Sustainability on the Horizon? An investigation into Sustainable Banking Practices in an Emerging Economy Society and Business Review. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1108/SBR-09-2023-0275
- Marketing During a Global Crisis: A Study of the Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Retail Banking Sector Journal of African Business. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228916.2023.2274672
- Examining social media live stream’s influence on the consumer decision-making: a thematic analysis Electronic Commerce Research . In Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10660-022-09623-y
- The Emergence of Resources Seeking Chinese Firms’ Specific Advantages in Emerging Market Sustainability. 14 (Art. 8345). https://doi.org/10.3390/su14148345
- Hedonism and Luxury Fashion Consumption Among Black African Women in the UK: An Empirical Study Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. 26 (1), pp. 126-140. https://doi.org/10.1108/Jfmm-05-2020-0079
- Brand Value Co-Creation in the Social Commerce Era: Empirical Evidence From Iran Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. 22 (1), pp. 46-58
- Entrepreneurship and the Informal Sector: Challenges and Opportunities for African Business Development Journal of African Business. 22 (4), pp. 441-447. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228916.2021.1893055
- Religion and Consumer Behaviour in Developing Nations Edward Elgar Publishing