Ms Alice Reedy
Primary ITE Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Primary ITE
Department of Education , School of Childhood and Social Care
Alice is part of the Primary Initial Teacher Training team. She teaches on both the Primary BA with QTS and the Primary PGCE.
She specialises in the teaching of Primary English, supporting students in what best practice looks like in regard to teaching reading and writing. Her passion lies in teaching adults how to encourage children to read for pleasure, and how to ensure the literature we use is diverse and representative.
- BA English Literature and Creative Writing
- Primary PGCE with SEND: Inclusion
- MA in Education
Areas Of Interest
- Teaching Primary English
- Reading for Pleasure
I am a UEL alumni, having completed both my Primary PGCE and MA Education at UEL and have worked in East London schools for over 7 years. I now lecture and tutor students on the Primary PGCE and BA Primary Education with QTS courses, undertaking the role of module leader for some key modules on these courses.
Alice has undertaken research into children’s perspectives on what makes them want to read in their free time, and what barriers make them less likely to do so. She tries to use the outcomes of this research to support teachers to understand what they can do to get children reading through choice and thus increase their chances of academic and life success.
Alice is currently undertaking further research into what affects children’s choices of text, in the hopes that she can uncover more insights into how to get children reading.
She has also begun to research assessment and feedback in Higher Education with her colleagues.
Research Groups
United Kingdom Literacy Association.
External roles
External Examiner at University of Greenwich.
Teaching on the following modules:
- PR7000
- PR6001
Module leader of:
- ED5073
- ED4071
- PR7001
Browse past publications by year.
Full publications list
Visit the research repository to view a full list of publications
- ‘Because it reminds me of my culture.’ ‘Because I want to challenge myself.’ ‘Because I like all the stars and the swirls.’ What influences children's independent choice of text? Literacy. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1111/lit.12375
- Rubrics in higher education: an exploration of undergraduate students’ understanding and perspectives Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. 49 (6), pp. 799-809. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602938.2023.2299330